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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: Re: Part 6: Filed and cataloged
Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 at 05:25:09 pm EST
Reply Subj: Re: Part 6: Filed and cataloged
Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 at 11:13:20 am EST (Viewed 364 times)


      I still think Lara needs a "setting" though. She needs a home, a job, a cast, something that makes her "first choice" for a certain kind of story, not just an interchangable guest star.

    She's supposed to be mostly homeless since she doesn't really want to establish a permanent residence. I would like to give her something to do, but she hasn't really had a chance before, with everything being in flux and needing to help out with the LL because of it. Maybe with the new lineup she'll have time to find something to do.

My problem is that I have to actively avoid writing her as "generic competent nice woman" or else just writing her as a superpower on legs. A bit more background and setup would help with that.


      We need Lara in a situation where she's "first go-to" by virtue of what she's elected to do and where she's elected to be.

    At the moment she's content being a "general contractor" super-hero of sorts. We'll see soon if she continues that trend.

But jack of all trades is master of none.


      I recall having this conversation with Scott back in the day regarding Amazing Guy's ability to quantum-jump across galaxies. We eventually figured that there were conditions preventing this happen in strong gravitational fields like those found on planets, so he could only use that ability when he was in deep space. It was a way of preventing him from being able to hop in and out of fights too easily and thus wrecking any drama or threat.

    I made the condition really simple: That it's so power-exhausting, that Lara doesn't want to use long-distance teleporting if she has to leave behind someone who's in danger, or if she might be putting herself in a dangerously vulnerable position. It's like using the last of your fuel to crash a motorbike into a gang of thugs (which Yuki would do on purpose, but not anyone else).

The universe-hopping-at-will thing is always a problem from a narrative point of view. I'm glad of any "out" that mitigates it.


      Now that G-Eyed's back in play with his teleportation powers I'm going to have to be very careful too.

    Lara is an easy one there. She gets bored easily, so if she becomes teleportation central she'll probably get sick of it and disappear for a while.

I've always tried to control this quite precisely. G-Eyed can teleport himself easily, willing companions one-at-a-time fairly easily. The more distant the object the harder to teleport it; physical contact is best. Teleporting things inside other things is very hard. Teleporting longer distances takes more effort than short distances. Teleporting to an unknown location is very risky indeed. Anybody who has "better" teleportation powers than that is really making things hard for me.

    Liu Xi, another easy one - most people who aren't used to stepping through void can't deal with the warping of dimensional space, and become really sick. Kind of like extreme motion sickness and vertigo, because the brain can't resolve the sudden change in distance and orientation.

I think technically G-Eyed's powers are about distance and proportion. He teleports by stitching two points together momentarily. The mechanisms of void as you've described them are different to that and involve a conceptual element.

    So if Goldeneyed can do teleportation without the sickness, or the unreliability, or the explosions like EEE, then he's definitely one step ahead.

He's also a mid-level in-your-face fighter with enhanced strength and stamina.

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