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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: Re: Part 6: Filed and cataloged
Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 at 05:08:02 am EST (Viewed 2 times)
Reply Subj: Re: Part 6: Filed and cataloged
Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 at 07:46:03 pm EST (Viewed 305 times)


      Lara still remains an outsider in the PV, presumably by her choice, and therefore doesn't have the same duties and dependants as she would otherwise have. That's why I keep urging you to expand your supporting cast, because that would help illustrate Lara's character.

    I have been. I've also been writing an "at home" story for her so you get a little taste of her life there.

Excellent. Proceed.

I still think Lara needs a "setting" though. She needs a home, a job, a cast, something that makes her "first choice" for a certain kind of story, not just an interchangable guest star.

For example:
If a troubled kid wanders into a coffee bar we all know who the natural character to help is.
If a pregnant runaway gets dragged into casualty covered in blood we know who's got first call to intervene.
If a guy thinks his wife is cheating on him with a supervillain and hires a detective we know who he'll inevitably end up calling.
If some company's high-tech dimensional experiment goes horribly wrong we know which consultant firm they'll be on the phone to.
If a guy's got a haunted washing machine we can guess who he'll be calling in to fix it.
And so on.

We need Lara in a situation where she's "first go-to" by virtue of what she's elected to do and where she's elected to be.


      About the only character who might stand a chance of doing so would have been De Brown Streak on a very good day.

    Lara can obviously accelerate herself beyond the speed of light (to escape the universe), but it's not terribly useful for fighting someone because at the time she's usually completely intangible. Solid matter and energy are incompatible at those speeds.

I think there's a lot of difference between linear movement to and beyond light-speed - which (pretty much every starship in SF can do) and having near-light superspeed with manouvering faculties, which is a distinct and useful super-power.

I recall having this conversation with Scott back in the day regarding Amazing Guy's ability to quantum-jump across galaxies. We eventually figured that there were conditions preventing this happen in strong gravitational fields like those found on planets, so he could only use that ability when he was in deep space. It was a way of preventing him from being able to hop in and out of fights too easily and thus wrecking any drama or threat.

Now that G-Eyed's back in play with his teleportation powers I'm going to have to be very careful too. Since that's G-Eyed's primary shtick (clever use of his abilities also enhance his strength and stamina to around Spider-Man levels but I don't want to explain how we link that to teleportation right here) it means I need to demonstrate why he's the go-to guy for teleportation - and not Liu Xi or Al B. or Xander or the Shoggoth or any of the other people who have been shown to accomplish similar effects; and I have to do it without downgrading or taking anything away from other cast.

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