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Anime Jason 

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Subj: Re: Widening Reply...
Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 at 04:49:51 pm EDT (Viewed 292 times)
Reply Subj: Re: Widening Reply...
Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 at 04:49:38 am EDT (Viewed 3 times)

    True. It also requires her to use her abilities in a more varied and creative manner, which makes for good stories.

Creativity will be good for her.

    All of which means that on the bright side I have a pretty clean slate to define and develop the Spectre, but on the nagative side I don't want to spoil the character as envisaged by a poster I have no contact with at all. I figure that as long as I make VS spooky and powerful and mysterious and nasty I won't be doing too much disservice to him.

Thus the limited appearances.

    I like the Legion to have serious threats, and threats of different kinds. Necromancers have a great application, because they use magic (which cheats in terms of allowing powerful heroes to be forced to struggle) and they command armies of undead who can get blasted by the good guys without conscience issues.

Plus it leaves them with difficulty killing things that are already dead.

    As I see it the Hood has set Faite a trap. The more she identifies with individual humans the more tempting it is to help them; in minor ways first to solve little problems or make them happy, then in bigger and bigger ways. If a schoolmate who's become a friend is due to get run over in a car accident the temptation is to prevent it, with all the future ramifications that implies. If a friend suffers a broken heart the temptation is to fix it, to deliver happy endings or dire punishments where they're deserved. Soon everyone's a doll in Faite's personal playground and she has to be taken down by her peers.

If it's a trap it's not a very good one; Faite *wants* to feel all those things. It beats the lonely separation she felt before. Her reasoning is really quite simple.

    Anyhow, from a narrative viewpoint I think cosmology works best on an "equal and opposite" assumption. In other words, if the good guys get an angel to help them out the bad guys can have a demon onside. If the Destroyer of Tales reaches out to save a life then somewhere else a good man drops dead. If the Chronicler nudges someone towards the right answer then somewhere else Sage Grimpenshast can nudge someone towards damnation.

Faite definitely knows the dangers of helping out - that inevitably, those people she helps will realize she's holding back significantly and allowing bad things to happen - and they won't just accept that she had her reasons.

But, this is also an excerise for her to learn to explain things to people who don't really understand. She's learning to communicate.

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