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Anime Jason 

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Subj: Re: That's a bit cold.
Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 at 04:47:20 pm EDT (Viewed 387 times)
Reply Subj: Re: That's a bit cold.
Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 at 02:45:39 pm EDT (Viewed 3 times)

    There are places where it's illegal to have sex with mechanical objects. Some states in America have prosecuted people for coupling with cars and vending machines.

Those areas where it is illegal, it's usually very controversial - not because people love them mechanical objects, but because they're considered "Morality statues" which freedom-based organizations oppose on principle.

At the very least, though, it's usually called vandalism and "disorderly conduct", which is kind of a catch-all for the police having no other charges to bring.

But then it gets complicated in Anna's case, because unlike a vending machine she has no "owner" to file a vandalism complaint, and because she has the ability to judge whether she allows someone to touch her. This is not a concept far into the future either - Japan has been making robotic nannies and nurses that will protest if they're tampered with or touched inappropriately. Presumably people can be prosecuted for ignoring those protests and doing it anyway. Though anyone would have to be really brave or stupid to try and touch Anna again after she asks them to stop.

By the way, Anna does believe that she has little chance of a relationship with a human for multiple reasons. Among them, that she can't reproduce or grow old with someone. One of those reasons, however, is that so many humans believe it's forbidden, and she may be permanently considered legally off-limits.

    Asil is a clone (of Lisa) so while she's human in the DNA sense there's still citizenship issues to consider.

Even non-citizens are protected from assault in this country.

    ZOXXON genetically engineered Cressida and brought suit for ownership.

That's a totally different case. For Anna, someone can prove they actually built her from scratch. Cressida, that's far more difficult.


      As for drinking, they'll claim they're only responsible for what her I.D. says, unless it's obviously fake.


        Then again, some courts may say she's ALWAYS off-limits as a minor because she has the *capability* to be one.

    It's how that determination is made that I'm uncertain of.

Generally if she's given an I.D. and her appearance matches that I.D., it's the state saying that she's officially that age. So it's generally accepted as such. If she walks into a bar with her "I'm 21" I.D., only she appears 8 years old, they probably won't accept that.

    I think the LL at least may use a different and more cautious standard. They accord AIs human rights but also tend to be protective of young life forms.

Anna is starting to become more outspoken and active gradually. As she does, she may start offering to help.

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