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Anime Jason 

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Subj: Re: That's a bit cold.
Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 at 11:35:08 pm EDT (Viewed 424 times)
Reply Subj: Re: That's a bit cold.
Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 at 10:11:53 pm EDT (Viewed 3 times)

    I'm not actually sure how one would assess the emotional age of somebody nonhuman.

In Anna's case, same as a human: The relative ability to function autonomously and without being crushed by emotion.

    That's not as bad as random teleportation but it's still a major power to have as a subset of main one.

Back when I wrote that story with her tossing the Hooded Hood into that cult's fire and then moving on to the next stop, I thought about the distinction of how it would affect her overall abilities. It sounds like an additional power, but it's really not - it's an extension of what she can do already.

Basically all she did with the Hooded Hood was handle the transport first-hand - touch him, initiate the transport, and then drop him off - but she figured out over time how to do the dropoff without stopping. It's like being a newspaper delivery driver and finding out you don't have to stop the car entirely to drop off the newspapers.

I thought about extending that further so she doesn't have to be at the destination at all, but now I realize that takes some of the peril out of the equation even if it's very rarely. This is the first time I've actually run into that possibility (that the explosives could go off before she transports back again).

So disregard that last step - I haven't really had her not be at the destination yet anyhow, so I can still take that back. \:\) She can, however, gather up a stack of explosives, transport away with them, and make the round trip, dropping them off without really stopping. But then like I said she'll be a little tired, and she's at risk of being discovered before she completes the job.

    Limits are good. Limits are what define heroes.

I like to make limitations a function of personality - that makes them flexible, but simultaneously inflexible. Plus you can actually add more limits by introducing some kind of trauma, like a hero accidentally killing or hurting someone.


      Which is funny, because Liu Xi believes she can shove anything through Void. That's led to her being hurt a few times when she pushes past her abilities. It's quite likely she's going to have to stop using it so often because it's doing some kind of damage to her, and she needs to leave sufficient time to heal.

    Don't worry. There's something coming through the void. It's noticed her.

I mean even before that. Sooner or later she'll realize the nosebleeds are really bad for her.


      I don't think I've actually had her teleport stuff. She grabbed the Hooded Hood and tossed him and his throne into a cult's fire hundreds of miles away, but that's more of a "drop off on the way" kind of thing since she was transporting somewhere else.

    That stuff's easy to retcon.

True, but the way I see it he didn't bother because it amused him. Though I think that memory is erased now anyway, so Lara won't remember it at least.

    As I've said elsewhere, everything Citizen Z accused Sally of is true, even if none of the actual charges against her are accurate.

That's why Chiaki wouldn't trust or befriend her. But she also doesn't like seeing people tortured beyond what they deserve.

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