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Subj: Re: There's a t-shirt slogan.
Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 at 01:31:40 pm EST (Viewed 428 times)
Reply Subj: There's a t-shirt slogan.
Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 at 10:51:38 am EST (Viewed 2 times)

    It's always something with that Hood. Personally, I was hoping that young Aella would fall in with Sam, Mags and Griff.

    They're grounded, remember?

And yet somehow they took the fairy kingdoms all over creation and fell in with some of the most dangerous villains of the universe. And Magweed got stabbed. Making a new friend would hardly be the worst thing they could do while grounded.

I do hope that Aella gets to be around a bit following this all (assuming there is something following all of this.) She'd be a fun addition to the next generation of Legionnaires.

    The first scene of UT#360 is kind of an "I want" story, but with less singing crabs.

So the Dreaming Celestian is more of a singing teapot sidekick type?

    I recall reading way back when "Robocop 2" was in development that the original writers were not involved because they pitched an idea that the studio hated. As I recall, it would have seen Robocop injured and put in storage and not revived for a century or more, placing him in a completely different society.

    Perhaps they had the right idea for keeping it (and the satire of it) fresh after all.

    Only the first movie knew there was satire in there.

As long as we're off on "Robocop" tangents, did you know that the film is constructed symmetrically to a rather astonishing degree?

RoboCop (1987) Is an Almost Perfectly Symmetrical Film

It's a rather impressive bit of scripting to take Murphy on a journey to being a machine and back again.

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