Tales of the Parodyverse >> View Post
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Al B. Harper

Member Since: Mon Jan 04, 2016
Posts: 485
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Subj: Tell that to the Chain Knight
Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 at 06:41:33 pm EST (Viewed 449 times)
Reply Subj: Picking up on replies to Al B.; because torment should never cease
Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 at 11:46:41 am EST (Viewed 3 times)

The Board is now tormenting you.

    Well, it's Wednesday and I'm still at least two chapters off finishing. I'll try and get another one written tonight (part 31) but that'll still leave a big finish to pick up after a pause. Posting what I've got will take us to Friday inclusive so maybe I could try a conclusion at the weekend? It's not like I need laundry, right?

That's the spirit! I shall send you good vibes through the ether.

Honestly I worried as the Wednesday deadline approached but will be here waiting eagerly to read and reply when the conclusion is ready.

    Just some of them. The ones that bug me.

Today's chapter was an interesting diversion from the usual. Given your deadline I thought a chapter which focuses on a new character was a brave choice.

I was also surprised to see the Destroyer of Tales helping to start off a tale for someone by showing Zania where to go.

Perhaps she is/can be simultaneously the Shaper and the Destroyer at the same time.

In any case it was a nice introduction to a 'different to the usual' character.

By the by - with a character who shares the name of one of your poster secretaries on the telephone it was just asking for a response along the lines of "Hello? No sorry Mr Watson is busy writing stories right now".

    Who can say?

Well, the author of the story.

    For that matter, the assumption has been that if Wilbur is stopped then things will pop back to how they used to be, as if he had suspended not permanetly altered the way the Parodyverse works. But that is only an assumption.

Yes, there are many options. I'll just have to wait and see which one occurs.

    I bet ravens.



        The question is what happened to the generation after that? The answer has already been revealed quite some time ago.


        It is? It was?

    Yep. She even got her name in the story title.

Well that narrows down the field.

    I think we'll discover that in Chapter 31, if I get to it tonight.



      And wait - Mac? It's not Regret is it?

    Interesting guess.

She was the freshest "bedraggled girl that Mac encountered" in my mind.

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