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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: Now we're getting philosophical
Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 at 05:55:32 pm EST (Viewed 4 times)
Reply Subj: Everything has potential.
Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 at 03:47:09 pm EST (Viewed 472 times)



        Lara will also be proud of herself because she's never had the chance to try EMP before. She's never been somewhere safe enough where it wouldn't cause massive destruction.


        Well, unwanted massive destruction. Kerry has always been told not to cause sunflares also.

    At least the EMP is only temporary mass destruction.

I suspect the LL are in "war engagement rules" mode. The villains accompanying them definitely are.

    As long as the Dead Galaxy forces are losing an aggressive war (trying to wipe out the Apostate forces), the Trading Alliance will probably just let them lose on their own, because it doesn't affect their trade. But if the Apostate forces start to conquering the Dead Galaxy forces back home, those forces will probably have to face the Alliance's two biggest and heavily armed corporations.

I'm deliberately confining the field of conflict to an area around bits of space I made up and can therefore blow up at will.

    That's just a corporate force, though. The Galactic Government wouldn't bring in its carriers unless one of the corporation applies for aid.

    Earlier on, the Lair Legion has met the daughter of one of the Alliance's corporate CEO's. It's possible to get assistance from her, but it would be less than immediate.

Most cultures that are trying to stay out of it don't want the internal problems caused by the Apostate's conversion cults. They have formented revolt and revolution in places and have caused legal political change in others. They could seriously affect purchasing habits in a trade-based society. And with the Apostate's return they have suddenly become a lot more persuasive, able to convert mass crowds with only a few words.

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