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Anime Jason 

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Subj: Re: Now with added reply.
Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 at 08:43:13 am EDT (Viewed 444 times)
Reply Subj: Re: Now with added reply.
Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 at 05:50:42 am EDT (Viewed 2 times)

    What I'm suggesting is that if a hero is free to fill in for another so that other can "take the night off" it implies that only one hero is required for the job; whereas in a troubled and chaotic world, every hero available may be needed.

I was assuming that Hatman wouldn't take the day off in the middle of a Lair Legion emergency. There's a difference between that and refusing to take a day off because there *might* be an all-hands Lair Legion emergency.

The idea is that Lara could fill-in if there's no current emergency to handle anything that might come up. Chances are she'd be bored; but if there's anything she can handle herself, she won't even bother Hatman with it. If some big bad shows up during Hatty's day off, though, it's likely he'll be called in anyway.

Point being that his "station" won't be left untended while he takes time off.

    It's the difference between being a train driver and a parking ticket inspector. There are a fixed number of trains needs driving so as long as a replacement is available the driver can go on leave with a good concience. Conversely, double the number of traffic cops means twice the number of tickets issued.

Depends on the day of the year, too. On certain days, it might cost the city so much in cops on duty for limited traffic that the tickets written would never cover it. And there's also holiday pay, etc.

    All this said, I don't think Hatty is such a workaholic. However, he does try to make sure that even his free time is spent responsibly and helpfully, with the GMY Foundation or with the kids at Zero Street Mission, for example.

There's a difference between being a workaholic and having an overly active conscience. I think Hatty is mostly the latter - that he believes if he takes a night off, he counts all the people that will go hungry, or without help, or might be terrorized or hurt or killed in the city during the few hours he takes a break. He wouldn't worry about it so much while he sleeps; because that's required. I believe he thinks of time off as a luxury he can't afford, or that he doesn't deserve (i.e. "how can I take a night off and eat in a restaurant when half of GMY is going hungry?").

Lara's point of view differs from his. She understands the overly active conscience, but she thinks part of it is because he can't bring himself to trust someone else to completely fill his shoes - he can't trust someone else to solve people's problems, protect the city, feed the hungry, etc. She believes if he doesn't let up and start trusting people more he's going to burn out.

He can trust others to do the same work, just not to *be him* for a day - like maybe others can do it, but they won't do it as well or do it right. What Lara would be willing to do, partly to help and partly to teach, is anything Hatty would do for a few hours to buy him some time off. That would hopefully alleviate his worry of "ok she can handle the Lair Legion duty, but what about Zero Street and the Foundation?"

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