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Anime Jason 

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Subj: Re: Even deeper still...
Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 at 12:20:32 pm EDT (Viewed 470 times)
Reply Subj: Re: Even deeper still...
Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 at 10:23:55 am EDT (Viewed 4 times)

    That bit was by way of keeping a subplot spinning (more on it in the next UT storyline) but also by way of establishing 1. that CZ can "see" that kind of stuff and 2. that she's emotionally detatched enough to report it without realising or knowing it could be hurtful or private. CZ is really damaged goods right now.

Liu Xi is a very good role model for her then - she started out as damaged goods herself.

    The Legion sometimes has to be the big dog to stay alive. It's like how the cops might sometimes come down hard on a criminal who hurts or threatens one of their own - to send a message to the others.

Chiaki has to do that sometimes too. It's gotten so most of her potential enemies are afraid to even mention her name and accidentally summon her. She tries to carefully maintain a balance so she doesn't force them to retaliate - she doesn't completely destroy their business or hurt anyone. Instead she's just annoying enough, costing them just enough money, reputation, or manpower (people running away or getting busted), so they don't want her to pay a visit.

Just for example, if Chiaki meant to annoy Boss Deadeyes, she wouldn't hurt his business or threaten him directly. Instead she would warn him, and then he'd suddenly lose half his drug business on the east side because all his distributors got arrested. He'd get it back eventually, but it would cost him money and time. Anyone he hired to teach Chiaki a lesson would refuse the job, because all the assassins in town know her and don't want any part. At that point he might try to talk to her directly and realize that she's very reasonable, but he still doesn't want her coming by again either. That's the type of peaceful stalemate she prefers.

    Akiko is smart enough not to do something like that. If she's got a problem with the LL she'd send for Vizh for a disciplinary cup of tea. Boss Deadeyes isn't involved either; he'd not team with with others to do a "rub out", he'd do it directly, and probably to their face.

Akiko did make Chiaki upset once, and the Samurai didn't speak to her for a while. I guess that means she has to really think about whether it's worth it if she ever did it again.

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