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Subj: It hasn't happened that way with the lottery yet either.
Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 at 03:21:57 pm EDT (Viewed 433 times)
Reply Subj: Your turn will come.
Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 at 01:27:23 pm EDT (Viewed 4 times)


    The Hooded Hood traditionally prepares a special welcome for new LL leaders.

I don't seem to recall him being particularly interested in Vizh the last time he was in charge. Of course, Lisa was still around then, so I can kind of see how he might have wanted to focus his attentions on her instead.

    Was I supposed to have prepared a speech like Dream? Because nobody told me...

    There's always Henry the Eighth.

It's going to be interesting to see what Vizh is like as a leader this time around. I'm open to any interpretation, as the character's general intelligence has varied wildly depending on the writer and the needs of the plot. I tend to write him as a little more used to how out of control his life often goes as there's very little he hasn't seen at this point. I see him as being far from on the ball, but much less flustered by this fact any longer. By contrast, Jason tends to mine comedic moments from the character by panicking him (which I don't mind either.)

    Well, that could have gone worse I suppose. Amber seemed to have a good time with it, after all, and she deserved one. Hell, maybe she proceeded to have a really good time with it... The young lady didn't seem to object all that much so far.

    I'll let someone else write that tie in. Or illustrate it.

I imagine there are any number of pictures or videos on the web that could already serve as adequate illustration.

Getting back to Amber specifically, can you say whether she's going to continue in the cast in some capacity, or is she taking an extended stay on the sidelines now?


    Our very next scene opens with the General going to have a word with Visionary.

He really doesn't need to bother... Congratulations aren't really in order, and I already have a mug of my own.

    "Defeat with honor is but victory delayed" - Victor von Doom, FF#84.

Was that before or after he skinned his innocent girlfriend?

    I've done several of these line-up shuffles now and I try to keep them different. This change is perhaps more surprising than most so I thought it deserved a slow burn full story rathern than a last paragraph feel-good announcement.

    In fact given that I'll need to cover seven character-introduction storylines it might turn out to be more than one issue unfortuately.

Do you mean in addition to stuff you've already done with Sally and Citizen Z and Alcheman, or including all of that?

    CSFB! picked Vizh because he likes Vizh

Funny way of showing it...

    and thinks he'd be good at that kind of job. And maybe because Dream's a trickster embodiment of chaos.

All right, that kind of makes sense then... especially if you read "trickster embodiment of chaos" as "Loony".

    Technically the rest of the membership have to agree, but I guess that G-Eyed, Dancer, and Donar will be for it at least, so there's a majority.

The rest of the old membership, or the new one? And if I side with the dissenters, is that enough to switch the majority? And on a side note, where does Harper get off judging me unacceptable?

    I'll be taking a break for a few days to do a novella for a magazine but I'll try not to let things lapse for long.

Good luck with the novella... I hope it comes together quickly!

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