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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: For an additional fee.
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 at 10:04:59 pm EST (Viewed 3 times)
Reply Subj: I'm sure they have an equally worthless extended warranty for that.
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 at 11:26:05 am EST (Viewed 405 times)


      It raises interesting questions about current self vs past self. I know that I made decisions in the past that I would make diffeently today, There are a few things for which I would like to go back in time and punch previous-me. And that's me with a functiong memory to recall why I made those decisions at the time. How much more of a dichotomy might there be between a previous omnipotent self and a current limited one with a newfound sense of humanity?

    The only fault in that is she knows where she's going after her body ages and dies. So she won't feel the same level of regret as a mortal human...unless it involves a relationship with one of those brief humans. That, she would feel the full brunt of the regret for, because she wouldn't get another chance with them.

Immortals are often portrayed in literature as perceiving mortals as brief, but I suspect that immediacy of experience is the same whether one has a span of 20 years or two million. Events still unfold at the same time, after all, so unless the immortal has immensely slow perceptios (like a tree) then reaction should be much the same - just a lot more of it eventually.


      The Hood has retconned his early self and all his works.

    Nevertheless, there probably still are some results of results of some of it floating around out there. He couldn't manage to catch all of the cascading consequences without, well, destroying all of existence. The most he can do is change things so it's someone else's fault.

One of my earliest Hood stories including him revealing how he had retconned over 200 failed attacks on the Lair Legion before their "first" meeting.

    The hardest thing I was doing was giving some of the characters I write more independence. I had to pull a couple of interesting tricks to make it work, but now they won't be tied so much to the people they were before. The bad news is that means it's not really a tie-in anymore.

Sometimes you just have to let the story find its form.


      But I also figured that Yuki is a bit reckless when it comes to chasing a mystery, so she'd jump in there anyway.

    Looks like it just so happens she leapt into one relevant to the other stuff that's going on.

Yes. She has things to bring to the eventual "look what we turned up" meeting.

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