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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: I almost forgot what that was this week.
Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 at 12:51:51 am EST (Viewed 469 times)
Reply Subj: To fun!
Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 at 04:50:45 pm EST (Viewed 3 times)

    Danny has now demonstrated via the hellfire test that he is not terribly evil. The Hooded Hood would not have survived.

Too bad it hasn't turned into one of those quizzes on who would pass the test and who wouldn't.

I'm kidding though, nearly all of the hero types in the PV have done something selfless to redeem themselves, at the very least.

    Sometimes it's satisfying to pit an intellectual bully against someone in his weight class.

There are two possible roads that can lead there - someone smart, or someone who's just heard so many monologues and rants that they've become meaningless. Lara might be smart, but she's also been doing this superhero thing since she was 16 years old. There aren't many monologues or rants that she hasn't heard already, and her brain just turns off when she hears yet another one. Sometimes she wishes she was a super-speeder so she could go and get a snack and eat it while the evil person is talking.

    Given the "destinies" of many of her friends she would need to be especially cautious.

That's probably the hardest thing about her power - trying to figure out when the best time to change things is. She can't go back and change previous events like the Hood can, so once she misses her window, then sometimes the inevitable is set into motion, and it's too late.

A good example would be stopping a friend from going to a movie, because she foresees they will be hit by a bus. If she misses that window, and tries to put the bus somewhere else at the last second, then a taxi runs over the friend instead. And after that, a delivery truck. She can't stop all of those from happening, so if she misses stopping them from going to the movie, it's too late.

    I have the advantage of having known Shep, so when I write Dancer I tend to channel adult-Shep and when I write Kerry I channel teen-Shep from when we first met. Teen Shep is the one who once chased me shouting, "See this stapler? You want to know what this stapler can do to you? DO YOU WANT TO ARGUE WITH THE STAPLER NOW?"

It's much more satisfying to throw the stapler instead of arguing with it. It makes a satisfying clunk when it hits the floor.

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