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Anime Jason 

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Subj: That wouldn't be accurate enough. (edited after first posting)
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 at 05:45:58 pm EST (Viewed 490 times)
Reply Subj: "We don't suck quite as much as AT&T"?
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 at 02:23:01 pm EST (Viewed 2 times)

    As a general rule I restrict how many "character x who has been on the sidelines of the story actually fixes things for the main protagonists" events I include. It can work really well if the twist has been properly telegraphed and surprises the reader, but each time it happenes it gets harder to pull it again.

Well...I didn't say she would save them. As Vinnie De Soth often realizes, things in spiritual planes like hell usually require a trade. Faite might be able to get Nats' attention, but she has nothing of value to offer in exchange for the Juniors' freedom, so she wouldn't be able to complete the deal. She could only serve as a catalyst to get things moving in the right direction, and the Juniors would have to be involved again for the rest.

    So, burned by that, I try not to repeat Bendis' mistakes by doing the "previously unsuspected character robs the heroes of their victory" plot, and I limit the only-sometimes-cool "character x quietly flanks everyone and saves the day" for rare occasions.

It happens a lot in the movies, too.

    This is especially important when one's archvillain character could probably walk in at the end of every storyline and solve things if one was being careless.

I personally like to fix that problem by allowing character motivations to get in the way. For example the Hooded Hood can easily get the Juniors out of hell, but why would he go to the trouble when there's nothing (or not enough) in it for him. It's too easy for alternative to take place (they could get out of it themselves), so he wouldn't be able to hold them up later to pay back the favor.

    She;s probably emotially too young for the current team, then. That's why they're now the contradictory Senior Junior programme. They're college-aged so they discuss sex and they probably swear and drink. Most of them have active love lives. If, say, Samantha Featherstone (15), or Magweed and Griffin (13) were there they would be more restrained, like babysitters. 18-year old Kerry is pretty fond of her niece Mags but there are some things she wouldn't talk about with her and some situations she wouldn't drag her into that she would never hesitate to do with FA.

Remember, Faite is only physically 15, but her spirit has been around for ages. She chose that age primarily because society tends to take care of a girl of that age, so she doesn't have to spend a lot of her learning-about-humanity time trying to figure out how to survive (an 18 year old might be expected to get a job and figure out how to live right away), and at the same time, she'll be allowed some measure of independence, as she'll be expected to start to "grow up".

In spite of her appearance, though, she can probably out-curse just about all of the Juniors in multiple languages, and can probably give all of them sex-ed lessons. Drinking would be more of a problem because of bodyweight, though.

She's also capable of changing her own age again, but won't because it would just confuse the hell out of all of her new friends.

Then again, it's perception that's an issue. I kept mentioning that none of the Juniors would really listen to her if she were among them. Only part of the reason is her soft-spokenness.

    Fortunately, having a Senior Junior team now leaves the way open for the Junior Junior team, the next generation!


    Just going somewhere without her immediate clan-sisters would be a big step.

And if her clan-sisters send her off with this blonde to learn something?


      If you had to draw up a comparison, Yuki would be like Captain Jack Sparrow. Lara would be more like Captain Kirk, only with way less fighting and verbal pauses.

    Who's Picard, then?

Closest thing to Picard would probably be Chiaki, because of her tendency to be steady and calm and diplomatic, but kick some serious butt when she has to.


I wasn't really paying close enough attention to the ages you mentioned. My impression of the ages was out of date. From "writer's side", Faite hasn't *aged* to 15, she was that age when she first decided to join humanity. At the time, the Juniors were still not quite consenting age. If we've moved everyone up by a couple of years since then, Faite would be close to 17 now. Math fails me again.

And speaking of physical ages, Lara Night doesn't. Physically age, that is. Or she does so at a glacial rate, because the constant absorption of energy rebuilds her. Ironically, while she ages slow-or-not-at-all, she also has been replaced many, many times over already, so she quite literally isn't the same person anymore. Anyway, the wandered-off point is that if we've moved everyone up by a couple of years, and the Juniors are in college, Lara Night would be in the age range of their Resident Advisor.

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