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Subj: There's probably a warning label.
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 at 04:27:27 am EST (Viewed 1 times)
Reply Subj: But then you have to remember to insert the bread the next day so as not to disappear in a universe-ending paradox.
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 at 12:02:56 am EST (Viewed 1 times)

    That was an impressive amount of backstabbing. I'm pretty sure that kind of disloyalty will wind up taking you to hell whether that was the ultimate destination or not.

Treachery does form a part of the curriculum. The nearest the Juniors got was CSFB!'s fight-before-you-team-up protocols talk.

    I appreciate that somewhere in those layers of scheming was a mean-spirited college prank out of an 80's film, and that the insane amount of powers and technology needed to pull it off led to the opening for interdimensional slavery. Now I hope that there is some serious Heckfire ass-kicking, because man do they deserve it. Except perhaps that nice vampwolf girl.

It's still not clear how vampires can spawn children, but since it doesn't bother bestselling novelists why should we fret?

    One wonders which hell Lord the young de Soth made a deal with.

You can be sure she shopped around carefully.


      I would certainly have got around to ddoing some character work on Vespiir and R.J. had I continued regular PV writing back in the day. For that matter I'd probably have followed up on all the Caphans who came back to Earth, maybe in a Caphan Charity Foundation storyline with the Shoggoth and his High Priestess. Still, better late than never, I suppose.

    I'm quite happy to revisit them now, certainly. It's hard to imagine where any of the characters would be now had the board kept up the levels of activity needed to support it. I shudder to think what the recent US Presidential campaign might have spawned. (In the PV that is. I already wake up screaming over what it has spawned in real life.)

In twnety years of American correspondence I have never encountered a more polarising issue than the recent US election cycle. It seems to have left very deep and bitter scars that make the UK's recent Scottish independence and EU exit votes seem like minor tiffs.

By the way, the Brexit vote was flawed because there was no box to throw the other countries out of the EU and stay in ourselves, which was surely the sensible option. The again, we English never got to vote about whether Scotland stayed in the Union.

Anyway, I'm currently tiptoeing round any references to your new President for now, for the same reason I wouldn't make jokes about 9/11 or Heaven's Gate. There are some jokes that ousiders can't get away with; only those close in there can pull off the black humour.

In the Parodyverse you may want to consider who you'd back against JJJ for 2020.


      Heh. Yes, Kerry has an alarming tendency to step up and do the right thing occassionally, which is always going to put her in a bad mood.

    She's a good kid. I mean, sure, I'm not surprised that she ended up in hell, but still.

I went to some effort to make sure Ham-Boy wasn't with the Juniors on their trip to hell. He's already the neo-spiffy and the neo-Nats.

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