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Anime Jason 

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Subj: I wish I had one this weekend.
Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 at 11:28:24 pm EST (Viewed 920 times)
Reply Subj: Perhaps you need a more pleasant class of distraction?
Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 at 09:54:32 pm EST (Viewed 2 times)

    It's not the trap most people expected.

It never is.

    One problem I found with the current line-up of Juniors is that they have no natural "sensible one" - no Ham-Boy or Glory to say, "Wait up..." Not even a spiffy. The only one who might play that function is Vespiir and she's too busy being the newbie who isn't sure of her place yet.

I can't really think of anyone in that age range who might add sensibility to that group. Faite is still working on overcoming her apathy toward, well, everything. Liu Xi has the same problem as Ham-Boy, where she's part of the Lair Legion now and the Juniors would be jealous and angry that she didn't go through a training program at all.

    You may recall we had some conversation about Vespiir needing training? She has two issues:

The tricky part to getting her some training is that the Psychic Samurai doesn't believe she is qualified; Chiaki doesn't feel like she really has a handle on her own power, because of its wild unpredictability. She'll have to be convinced that as unpredictable as it may be, at least she managed to apply some discipline to it.

    1. The traditional lore and training that the one or two Caphans in a generation with this gift receive from Caphan spiritual elders are not available to her, since she's a female and her power therefore clearly comes from evil spirits.

That may help to convince Chiaki, because she's a teacher at heart and would have an issue with someone being told that unless there were actual evil spirits involved.

    2. Having spent so long supressing her power (for self-preservation), Vespiir holds back; maybe even she thinks its bad deep inside?

Now that, Chiaki would understand. She holds back her own power because she either has a fear, or awareness (remains to be seen which), that if she didn't resist it, she would see things that weren't happening yet all the time. And society has some unkind words for that.

    Vespiir's training is further complicated because she's been brought up to treat everything a male in authority tells her as if it was true and to behave as if she believes it completely. So even if, say, Vinnie was to talk with her about her gifts, she would agree with him completely out of respect for him and a general duty of obedience even if she didn;t understand or believe what he said.

Also because a gift like that is so abstract, Vinnie can only speak in theory on how it works. Chiaki can tell her what it feels like, what those feelings mean about how truthful and likely the vision is, and how far away it is.

    The same is probably true of the "high women" of her new Clan, especially Miiri and Hallie. Vespiir was a pleasure slave of a provincial clan, effectively "middle class" where Miiri and the Lost Treasures were all of noble strains. Miiri's birth-sister is literally royalty. Most of the LL females and associatesseem like very senior lemans (e.g. Yuki) or Earth's equivalent of slavemistresses, organising others after winning their way to secure maturity. Citizen Z terrifies her because she can "see" her link to Herringcapr Asylum.

That might pose the same problem with Chiaki, though. While Chiaki was born to a middle class family, she worked her way to fairly high status...which may color Vespiir's impression of her. At the same time, though, she has experience as a teacher, and has a lot of patience, so she might be able to coax her way to helping her.

Chiaki sees things like Citizen Z's true nature as well. She believes that everyone has secrets, though, and it's their current deeds that are more important.

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