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Anime Jason 

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Subj: Re: Extreme Part 4 replies...
Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 at 10:43:01 am EDT (Viewed 460 times)
Reply Subj: Re: Extreme Part 4 replies...
Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 at 07:50:25 am EDT (Viewed 3 times)

    I mean that Slithis isn't just provoked to rage. He's also vulnerable to flattery, paranoia, and threats.

Paranoia would be Chiaki's job instead. Her doing nothing and staring at him might make him feel like she's up to something, and he'll get angry that he doesn't know what because she won't say anything, either.

    Thugos probably feels he can now classify Lara's level of threat.

Because now he has a better idea what her motivations are. He knows as long as he maintains at least the appearance of some kind of balance, she might not interfere at all.

    That's a bargain she doesn't want to make. But don't worry, we'll be hearing planety more about this in Untold Tales to come - to the point where lots more people begin to take an active interest.

It all depends on what the Hooded Hood offers, really. Chiaki is in the real estate investment business, so she's used to negotiating. Plus he might find it more amusing to be completely straightforward about the consequences and see how strong she is.

    What stage do you think Liu Xi and Vinnie are at just now? They seem to be actually dating. She's referred to him as her boyfriend, I think? Are they sleeping together yet? if so then that'd be Liu Xi's first more-than-one-night physical relationship.

I've implied that they've slept together a few times, but not regularly. Liu Xi really wants to fall into a relationship, but she's still afraid of the consequences - that Vinnie might backslide to Kerry again (or someone else), or that he might be forced by his job to do something to her or the Lair Legion - so she's keeping her distance just a little bit. Basically, they spend some time apart (i.e. he doesn't go to school with her, and she doesn't always go on occult business with him), and they don't live together, which is why sometimes it looks confusing when Liu Xi is hanging out with friends alone and Vinnie is who-knows-where.

I guess what's funny is that Liu Xi is trying to be so careful, and she's accidentally cultivating what's really a very mature relationship. Hatman might be almost jealous (except for the sleeping together part).


      But Vinnie doing something cruel to Liu Xi, afterward she's going to have to reach deep into her soul and character just to forgive him. And this is something even Chiaki won't be able to help her with, except that the Samurai may see Liu Xi's pain and speak to Vinnie directly about making things right so he doesn't lose the closest friend he's ever had.

    I don't think Vinnie would be cruel; but he might have to do something he felt was neccessary.

If Liu Xi feels very hurt, that distinction isn't going to make her feel better. The question now, I guess, is whether Vinnie feels close enough to her to beg her forgiveness, or if he'll just sigh, accept his punishment, and walk away.

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