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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: Don't feel you have to. Space is infinite.
Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 at 11:26:11 pm EDT (Viewed 3 times)
Reply Subj: I'll try to limit the commentary then...
Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 at 02:22:54 pm EDT (Viewed 1130 times)

    Dark Thugos would be disappointed by the truth. Lara wasn't selected because she's a champion of life, it's because she's a champion of *balance*. Shema herself is the champion of life, which is why she trusts the choices of her "guardians" of whether to harm living creatures or not. He might be further disappointed when he learns how capable she is of killing (the dark side of the balance).

Like all good archvillains he'll find an upside in most outcomes. The secret is to find the one where he doesn't.

    But...the fact that she's a champion of balance also helps her understand the formula possibly better than Dark Thugos ever will, in certain ways. Whoever created it probably did so in a way that someone who believes only in life or only in death would never understand it completely. Even if Lara tried to explain it to him, he would never understand.

I suspect that no one individual can ever really grasp the secret (otherwise why go to the trouble of constructing a whole Parodyverse full of folks to work on it?). Arguably every individual is required to get the answer.

But Thugos is right in hoping that throwing Lara at the wall would have some interesting results. They're just not neccessarily beneficial.

    As for the others, I think it's pretty obvious the Apocalypsians with Chiaki, Liu Xi, and Anna are there to sort of hold them hostage in case Lara doesn't cooperate. Chiaki probably knows that too, and is mentally preparing herself. Fortunately Anna doesn't trust them one bit, and is probably the only one with the capability to seriously harm them.

The Bitches are certainly prepared for serious trouble from the wardroid if it comes to that.

I've already written the next sections with this cast in it and I've had fun working with the Apocalyspians' perceptions of their Earth companions. They certainly see Anna as a warbot, one of a respected class on Apocalyspe. They suspect Chiaki of being an assassin (like Thugos' personal assassin Kwatrain, who once took half the Legion down before being stopped). Liu Xi's a bit more difficult to peg but probably would get some respect if they found out who her grandfather was.

    It sounds to me like Shee-Yar is getting some kind of Matrix-like fantasy projected there.

It's a plain good old-fashioned haunting. The reason for the haunting will become clear as the chapter progresses.

    And EEE better not be too happy, it's just as likely Al B Harper and Drury will get them killed as save them.

The main thing to avoid is waking up Azafroth. If he waked up then all the Fairly Great Old Ones wake up. Then it's game over.

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