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Anime Jason 

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Subj: Re: Potting the black.
Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 at 06:57:59 pm EDT (Viewed 2 times)
Reply Subj: Re: Potting the black.
Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 at 11:22:35 pm EDT (Viewed 499 times)


      And Thugos was genuinely offering to enter into combat with Lara if she chose that route. I'm guessing she wouldn't fall for it.

    Lara didn't mean to enter combat with the Hooded Hood either when she used a similar trick on him. She just needed to keep him busy for a short time. She might be slightly more careful with Thugos though because she knows how far she can push the Hooded Hood, but not Thugos. She wouldn't want to cause a situation where he would set his mind to killing her, and she'd be forced to try to kill him first.

It's hard for me to comment on these things now given I've got a conclusion written. I've certainly tried to be faithful to the kind of things you've outlined here.


      As we'll see in the final segment, there's a very specific transaction between Slithis and Thugos, for a very specific set of goals.

    So Lara might still have to try to destroy them both before they destroy the Parodyverse?

There's a threat to the Parodyverse but it's rather a long-term one. Immediate action would probably be premature and inefective, even if Lara was aware of it.

    Okay then I have a different angle to think about this from: What if she was always meant to see what was on that wall? Then it changes her, but in a way that puts her on the path she was meant to be on. In other words, someone had much longer-ranging plans than Thugos did.

    It might be Shema, it might be the Hooded Hood. Who knows?

It's always possible.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying she's immune to the wall or to the choices. Just that the results may come out differently when someone who doesn't naturally fit the rules of the Parodyverse comes in contact with someone that obeys the rules of the Parodyverse. There's a lot of possible variation.


    But then there's the factor of what happened the last time someone tried to kill Lara. She was yanked out of danger by Shema. That leaves a 2nd possible option - that Thugos believes he will get to meet Shema if he forces Lara to do this. This could be shocking for Dark Thugos, because Shema will be expecting him.

Thugos makes a reference to Lara being "away from her sponsor" or somesuch. He's positioned her where she is not only so she has the lure of the wall but because the "inteference" at the edge makes it much harder for outside support of influence. He wants Lara to make a choice free from any outside monitoring or control.

    That's my alternate theory to above. That the wonderwall has made gods out of people who visited it before, because they went to it seeking power. Those who died did so because whatever they seeked, they didn't measure up to the challenge.

All that you say here about options and possibilities may be true. Fortunately in this story I'm largely able to leave the mystery intact.

    Lara would go to the wall seeking not power, but wisdom to use to free her friends and stop Dark Thugos. That could make things interesting.


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