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Subj: We're still talking about when she fights, right?
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 at 11:11:06 am EDT (Viewed 457 times)
Reply Subj: And calls you names while she does it.
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 at 05:07:23 am EDT (Viewed 4 times)


    Poster-Al looked like he was getting characer-Al and Miss F together for a while back there but then it seemed to go cold again.

Who can fathom the mind of the super-genius? I left Al's bar-mate unknown in my first bit of the round robin in case Al wanted to specify who his character was there with... but when he skipped it entirely in his chapter, I decided to put in Muffy since that's who I wanted him to be there with.


    It doesn't work that way. Characters just get copy/pasted to the Deceased section. it only ever gets longer.

    As I recall someone set up a wiki for Who's Who that anyone could update but I don't think anyone ever did.

Yeah... it was a nice idea though.

    I generally create a link to a dedicated page where people can be as long-winded and detailed as possible.

    I'm also toying with the idea of asking posters to suggest one story I can link to for each character that best illustrates what that character is like and to provide a quick writers guide for others using that character (essential info, dos and don'ts etc.). But I'll probably think better of it.

While a great writer's tool, it's probably a nightmare to organize so I consider the current one a huge enough blessing. Anything more is well above and beyond the call of duty.

The "one story that best illustrates" each character idea is an intriguing one, though. I'd like to see what people come up with for those choices regardless of whether it's saved in the Who's Who for posterity or not. Maybe I should slip it in there as a question of the week sometime.

    You know I always enjoy having nasty characters around to push people's buttons. If spiffy hadn't provided me with Fleabot to provide mildly sarcastic commentary, at the very least, I doubt Vizh would have lasted nearly as long as he has.

    Does Dark Thugos count?

I'm certainly not going to compare him to Fleabot to his face. Although I pretty much try to avoid anything involving him or his face altogether. I still hold a grudge from him trying to conquer the planet back when I was leading the Legion. That's the kind of threat that's supposed to wait for a Mumphrey, Finny or Hatman instead.

    Well, there's always Danny.

Truth be told, Kerry gets in the more biting comments than Danny. He's practically the good one in that relationship.

Of course, even poor Kerry was disliked by some readers because of it. I'm hoping to someday have a character in there that we're supposed to dislike. The good guys can't lay into each other with such venom, even when it's on-the-money... they just come across as hypocrites. This has been very obvious in all of the Marvel comics I've glanced at over the last few years, especially with anything involving Iron Man.

    Actually, what I'd really love to read (or maybe even write sometime) is a sit down girls talk between the two insubstantial guardians of Parody Isle, Hallie and Marie. I can't recall that they've ever had a really substantial scene together.

    One's the supernatural ghost of a murdered Victorian. The other's a scientific ghost based on the engrams of a murdered scientist. Both have been touched by the Celestians. Both have to reside in the Lair Mansion whether they want to or not. Both have secrets they hold pretty closely. Both are going to have to deal with their Herringcarp Asylum counterpart before very long.

I think it's a very interesting pairing... Marie's a harder character for me to write because I'm not overly comfortable writing a proper voice for the time period from which she hails.

After Hallie's first adventure as a guardian of the mansion I think she felt a deep bond with Marie. I think when Marie came back as a human but without specific memories of her time as a banshee, it was a bit awkward for Hallie... going for feeling a kind of sisterly comraderie to realizing that she doesn't really know (or even know how to relate to) this other woman at all.

I suspect it would be like bonding with a fellow soldier in a foxhole during intense battle, and then running across the same guy in civilian life and realizing that you never bothered to ask what the guy did for a living before the war, let alone about his family and so on... It would probably be even worse if he didn't remember that battle at all because of a headwound he received. Is that feeling of brotherhood still real, or were you always deluding yourself?

I would think Hallie would be pretty mystifying to someone time-displaced from another century as well. So I think there's something there to explore, definitely.

Wait... Herringcarp Asylum counterparts?

    That keeps them safe from almost everybody except... the Hooded Hood.

    And really, it's time to remind people why the Hood is a serious adversary. Show not tell. Fortunately the Hood doesn't really approve of leaving his enemies merely dead.

Apparently, neither does the guy using Exu as a battery.

Looking forward to the Hood making his move. Which is to say, I'm dreadfully fearing it.

    It occurs that those ancient blades are said to have a little bit of the swordsmith's soul in them. While not exactly magical I think that should give them a certain edge (pun intended) against magics in combat.

    When we've had the big reveal about who the enemy is you'll see why throwing a sword across the room was never going to be sufficient to stop him. It took a much more powerful tool previously.

By many Japanese legends, Masamune blades were holy (while Muramasa blades were evil and corrupted their users.) I've always enjoyed legends about weapons, especially if the weapons actually existed.

As for the more powerful tool, I'm guessing Knifey.

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