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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: Re: Extreme Part 4 replies...
Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 at 06:07:37 am EDT (Viewed 2 times)
Reply Subj: Re: Extreme Part 4 replies...
Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 at 07:59:56 pm EDT (Viewed 429 times)


      For all his increased power (and he was pretty powerful before) Slithis remains at heart a bit of a tool. He'll always underestimate his foes because he has such a high opinion of himself.

    That's always dangerous...to himself. A few well-placed insults could do him in.

Insults might enrage him, but he has other insecurities to exploit too.

    One thing I keep thinking of is that Chiaki's prediction and warning seems to be coming painfully true. She told Lara (and Liu Xi) that showing too much of her power too early will result in stronger and stronger opponents until her power is eventually insignificant. So far, this phenomenon has happened twice.

She's been noticed.


      Thugos wanted to assess Lara. He was willing to test her to destruction if he had to, but settled for just taking her to the edge in more ways than one. He's arrogant enough to believe that his trap for her will spring eventually.

    I wonder if he's miffed at all that she handled it without losing her temper or her marbles? Then again, she's seen some pretty insane stuff and dealt with less well mannered villains before, and that's just in the Parodyverse.

He's not miffed so much as mildly disappointed. A more extreme reaction wouldn have amused him better.


      We'll certainly be hearing more on that particular plot point in chapters to come. So far nobody, even Liu Xi, is aware that there's a problem. That will change, probably as of UT#341.

    So someone's going to try to force her to marry them again?

I think so. Slithis used this same magic on Queen Annj of Ausgard a while back. The way it works is that unless the victim obeys the agreement made by the pact then over time she becomes weaker as their life force ebbs and will eventually die to become a wraith serving Slithis.

Of course, once the lein is recognised a number of people, Liu Xi not least amongst them, will feel compelled to address the situation. When Donar discovers who is behind the lein he is also likely to start breaking things. And planets.

The person responsible for making sure that occult pacts are honoured? That would be the acting sorcerer supreme.

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