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Subj: Re: Extreme Part 4 replies...
Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 at 06:28:11 pm EDT (Viewed 2 times)
Reply Subj: Extreme Part 4 replies...
Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 at 10:34:54 am EDT (Viewed 711 times)

    A nice conclusion which points out once again that they always get distracted and forget one little detail, especially when someone makes them angry.

For all his increased power (and he was pretty powerful before) Slithis remains at heart a bit of a tool. He'll always underestimate his foes because he has such a high opinion of himself.

    The only thing that surprised me was I expected Dark Thugos to wait for Slithis to stop talking, and then blame him for failure and kill him.

Thugos was mildly disappointed not to recruit Lara but as he said he's come out of this pretty well. He's got an empire of undead. He's empowered his ally the Chain Knight. Slithis still managed to get hold of the godplague, whatever that turns out to be. And Thugos got more of the measure of a potential adversary or ally. Not a bad day's work.

    From that bit at the end: I did catch one interesting part but I'm not certain what it means just yet. It seems they're very interested in Lara Night switching sides. The part I haven't figured out yet is whether it's because they've foretold her interference will derail their plans, or possibly because they know she's being watched from outside the universe and they need her and her watcher out of the way. Or maybe because they need her power, and have figured out that because it's not magical or genetic in origin, they can't simply take it from her - they need her cooperation.

Thugos wanted to assess Lara. He was willing to test her to destruction if he had to, but settled for just taking her to the edge in more ways than one. He's arrogant enough to believe that his trap for her will spring eventually.

    Also two other things: I think Liu Xi might object to someone having a lien on her, and with more confidence and Vinnie to back her up, they're both likely to do something about it at some point. They might have to eventually, because *that* power they can take from Liu Xi and give to someone else (though it would have to be someone who has the genetic gift to use it).

We'll certainly be hearing more on that particular plot point in chapters to come. So far nobody, even Liu Xi, is aware that there's a problem. That will change, probably as of UT#341.

    Someday Dark Thugos needs to find Faite and ask her, with all her power (to change current events) why doesn't she take control of the Parodyverse? Her answer is remarkably simple - she already has, just not in a manner that he understands. It might just be eye-opening for him.

Someone might ask the same question and get the same answer from Thugos.

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