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Member Since: Sun Jan 04, 2004
Posts: 1,235
Subj: Re: What happens to Chaos:
Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 at 06:49:35 pm EDT (Viewed 4 times)
Reply Subj: What happens to Chaos:
Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 at 08:22:03 pm EDT (Viewed 574 times)

    Part of the problem here, for both the characters and the writers, is that there's really no clear road map for what happens next.

    To a certain extent, Dream was kind of doing what he was supposed to do, by breaking the rules of the game, at least as far as Chaos is concerned, so I don't see Chaos censuring him as such, but by the same token, the line of Agents of Chaos will continue to move on, with Glitch and her successors, because each Age is different, and each Age needs its own Spirit.

I recall you discussing how you felt that CSFB! had cheated his way to another level but that there would be consequences for his tricks. I'm pleased to try and work some of that into the present storyline.

Marvel's currently doing some stuff in their Guardians of the Galaxy-related books about a surfeit of Life leading to the return of Thanos. I think we of the PV get a sufeit of Chaos.

    The bigger problem is that Dream not dying opens the door for Order to escalate a proportional response to the increased amount of Chaos in existence, some of it in ways we've already discussed via e-mail. It basically becomes an arms race of dickbaggery, with Order playing the part of the passive-aggressive asshole who responds to his roommate's loud music by turning up his own stereo. Order kinda has to be reactive in all this, but by creating a multiplicity of Agents of Chaos, between himself and Glitch AND Wendy, Dream has basically given Order license to respond in kind.

Indeed. We'll be seeing one such response in the last line of the present issue.

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