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Subj: Profanity fights dirty.
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 at 08:38:09 pm EDT (Viewed 965 times)
Reply Subj: Profanity vs the profane.
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 at 09:51:21 am EDT (Viewed 6 times)


    She's known Al for quite some time. This was probably therapeutic.

I've always liked the Al/Muffy pairing, whether they're a romantic couple or just coworkers who keep coming back to each other. There are only a handful of such long-running relationships in the PV, and I always enjoy it when we explore these two a bit more.

    You know how I hate to have unusued characters just cluttering up the Parodyverse.

I think all of Shee-Yar knows that. In fairness though, it's a pretty big universe... it's not like we're always tripping over them. Or are you just trying to shorten the list for any Who's Who revision?

By the way, did I see in a reply somewhere that an update is coming? If so, I'd suggest a call out to the board to look over their own entries and see what needs updating, especially any references to supporting cast members. I believe I had a hell of a time verifying anything about CSFB's little brother Oliver for my future Griffin story.

I admit, I have trouble writing those character summations because I can never decide where to draw the line on information. Explaining Magweed and Griffin alone seems to spiral out of control.

    No point in throwing our heroes into an alien culture if there's no-one to culture clash with.

You know I always enjoy having nasty characters around to push people's buttons. If spiffy hadn't provided me with Fleabot to provide mildly sarcastic commentary, at the very least, I doubt Vizh would have lasted nearly as long as he has.

On a side note, I was in the bookstore the other day and I saw a recent \(\?\) issue of Avengers where *Spoiler* Hank Pym asks Loki to join the team, which while insane, I do think could have been great fun. I still wouldn't mind trapping such a character into being a Legionnaire, officially or not.

    I suspect that seeing something like the wonderwall changes your perspective of the little people.

That reminds me, I never fully finished the "Hallie regains her memory" tie-ins from Saving the Future, where I was supposed to finally reveal what Hagan keeps trying to get out of Hallie and why it scares her so.

I know you don't approve of leaving things unfinished, but I wonder if it's not better plugged into something more current and relevant now.


    You seem to have this obsessive fear that I'll kill characters. I haven't offed any cast since three issues back now.

Not at all.

Now I just have to work all of my favorites that might be in some kind of danger in this story into that St. Patrick's Day bar scene.

By the way, I liked the little bit about Chiaki's sword cutting through some magical defenses. Desmond Djinn's people will definitely have to throw that one into a forge and melt it down for scrap someday.

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