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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: You could have saved the economy?
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 at 03:15:32 pm EDT (Viewed 3 times)
Reply Subj: Part 2: If I had a dollar for every time I heard that...
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 at 10:37:42 am EDT (Viewed 1323 times)

    Finally Dark Thugos get past his long-winded hint-heavy explanation and gets to the point. The question Lara has to think about now is...does Thugos really want her coming back as a new god? That might be dangerous to him. It's a question for Lara, of course, because that means chances are he doesn't expect her to survive the trip.

Thugos doesn't seem to think in terms of danger to himself. He holds the opinion that if he can provoke someone to become stronger and more ruthless than him, even if that someone destorys him, then his work is done. Transforming Lara into a monster would be a victory.

    If Exu is voluntarily animating those corpses, he's going to get a real scolding out of Liu Xi. Also, she's not the same fearful apprentice elementalist she was when he last met her. She's more in charge now, so he'll find it much more difficult to manipulate her. Except I have the feeling she won't get the chance, because the Bitches are probably going to execute him first.

You may have missed the import of our cliffhanger ending. Exu is dead. It's his murder that is powering the entire empire of undead. Someone else is responsible.

    I also find it interesting that though the Bitches are disciples of Thugos, they seem to be letting Chiaki take command by default, even though Chiaki isn't really commanding, she's just following her instincts. That hints to the possibility that though they're toughened warriors, they're really just scared, and want to follow anyone who appears not to be.

Well, the Bitches are detailed to support (and observe) the humans but it remains a human mission. I think they also respect strength and competence. And if Chaiki is an assassin they don't want to get on the bad side of her. They have to sleep sometime.

    Why do I get the feeling Vinnie meeting that Bonsai Kitten is going to be another episode like Vinnie and Kerry, and Liu Xi is going to be very angry?

I have no idea.

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