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Anime Jason 

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Subj: And the 'net is vast and infinite.
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 at 10:30:28 am EDT (Viewed 936 times)
Reply Subj: Re: Don't feel you have to. Space is infinite.
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 at 07:41:07 am EDT (Viewed 3 times)


      It's part of a belief of hers, that rather than let Dark Thugos obtain what he wants through destruction and violence, if she does it, it would be far more gentle.

    Thugos' limitation is that he'd probably view that as weakness.

Lara might actually be patient enough to explain it - cooperation takes far less energy and time. She might even explain that she too has the ability to terrorize and torture people, but it's a lot less efficient and harder on the conscience.

    I'd prefer to say that she'd have different understandings than the being who has devoted millenia or research to the problem.

The way I see it, it's like asking two people to look at a depressing-looking painting done in dark colors - one is more logic-oriented, another is more abstract/creative oriented.

The logic oriented person will study its history and tell you what the painting is of, what it's painted with, who it was painted by, and even recall the story behind it.

The abstract type, even if they've never seen the painting before, would look at it once and say, "Why was this painter so sad?"

    As you'll note from section two, the consequences of an up-clse encounter with the wonderwall and its secrets range from destruction to becoming a "new god". Knowledge of this kind inevitably transforms or destroys.

At some point she may start to run it through her mind as something that might be really bad for the Parodyverse. As someone with her abilities, she always tries to be conscious of limiting how much damage she causes.

Though it may also be that the secret she's designated to learn from the wall would be something she already learned from Shema about the secret of creation, and the big revelation might be something that changed her already once back home.

It's partly why she's so conscious of what kind of damage she might be causing. The big secret she learned back home was how interweaved everything is, and about balance. It was something that changed her, because she started to think about how the planets and stars and elements were all related and linked.

Then again, it could be a blank reflective silk parchment like the Dragon Scroll in Kung Fu Panda: "There is no secret ingredient". Which is funny, except when you realize it's actually pretty clever - it's a clear message to whoever has the natural tendency to be able to understand it.

    That's why they're prepared for trouble - or believe they are. Plenty of Apocalyspian droids remove their override mechanisms and programming restraints. Apocalyspe isn't big on safety features.

Anna has no safety features any longer. Except for her own conscience.

    It's partly an insult, since that's how Apocalyspians interact with each other, and its partly three people from a very alien society trying to work out how and where the Earthers fit. It's getting-to-know-you stuff.

Chiaki could care less about insults. Anna might be a little offended, but she's gotten actually too good at measuring her temper. Liu Xi would insult them right back, in Chinese if she runs out of English.




          And EEE better not be too happy, it's just as likely Al B Harper and Drury will get them killed as save them.


          The main thing to avoid is waking up Azafroth. If he waked up then all the Fairly Great Old Ones wake up. Then it's game over.


        That's going to be difficult, with all the noise they usually make.

    See chapter two.


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