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HH may wander off into a bit of comics trivia here

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Al B. Harper

Member Since: Mon Jan 04, 2016
Posts: 485
Subj: Re: On states and fruit
Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 at 06:41:09 am EST (Viewed 4 times)
Reply Subj: On states and fruit
Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 at 05:26:27 am EST (Viewed 402 times)


      What are the state fruits of Paradopolis and Gothametropolis?

    These would be 'city' rather than 'state' fruits right?

That's quite an interesting question, actually. In what state or stated for Paradopolis and Gothametropolis York reside? For that matter, in what states are Metropolis and Gothan City set?

Historically, Gotham was a nickname for New York, as was "the great metropolis", so the earliest mentions in DC comics of the famous hometowns of Superman and Batman were propbably both iterations of the Big Apple. Each was the city filtered through its own lens, one of a thriving modern place of thirty-storey high skyscrapers that could still be leaped with a single bound, the other of a dark violent place of crime, madness, and building statuary.

But since then, DC has established that in addition to Gotham, Metropolis, Star City, Central City etc. there are also cities called New York, Chicago, etc. So the DC America has rather more major cities than Earth-0, or Marvel's Earth 616. Kurt Busiek brushed on this in Avengers - JLA by mentioning in passing that the JLA's Earth was actually bigger than the Avengers' Earth, with more space to fill!

Now as of Superman #2, 1939, Clark Kent's work address was "Daily Star, Metropolis, N.Y." A 1970's Ask the Answer Man column claimed that Metropolis was right across the bay from New York. But DC comics official fanzine Amazing Worlds of DC Comics had already decreed it to be Delaware and Gotham to be in New Jersey and the official RPG followed that. In Action Comics #153 (1950), the Statue of Liberty stands in Metropolis' harbour.

Then came the 1970s, when New York was prominently established as the home of the New Teen Titans - and it was neither Metropolis nor Gotham. Things have gone downhill from there.

The Parodyverse's continuity is actually much tighter! Gothametropolis York is the next major city down the Eastern seaboard from New York. It is the state capitol of Gothametropolis (so PV-US must have 51 states, or be missing another). Newer Parodopolis (formerly New Parody City, established c1850) was too late to become a state but has taken over the financial, economic, and political lead that GMY had a century before; but technically Paradopolis probably in the state of Gothametropolis. That's unless the Parodopolis Sound that seperates the old and new metropoli is also a state boundary.

So at least GMY has a state flower, which may well be the deadly nightshade, and may also insist on a state fruit.

The state animal of Paradopolis may well be the now rare Foundation-Chewing Beaver

    In Parododiopolis' case it would have to be a banana given that its nickname is the big banana.

    For GMY I'd vote for a prune.

Good choices. Thanks for playing.

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