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Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
Posts: 2,131
Subj: The truth hurts. Especially on the top of the cranium.
Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2016 at 03:50:54 am EST (Viewed 4 times)
Reply Subj: True enough
Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 at 08:56:33 pm EST (Viewed 396 times)

    Wow, the effects are really starting to spread now. Just about everyone is finding themselves limited if not outright existence-challenged due to whatever is rewriting the rules.

As the effects bed in they start to bite. Like bedbugs, only bedbugs that can swallow you whole.

    Impressive that they still managed to take down some randy rampaging monsters despite all of this, and save the school bus of children as well.

I had some correspondence with L! this week where I asked him how Ham-Boy would react to losing his powers. He said that basically HB would just continue on doing the hero stuff.

    There's a whole field of study to be done on the bus thing, and a lot of variables to cover, but I think there could be some grant money in there somewhere. Still, I suppose the team has some pressing concerns right now.

It would be okay to be in the control school bus, but what about the poor other kids?

    Excellent team dynamics with this group... they're well suited to action in the traditional heroic manner. I enjoyed the little character flip between Citizen Z and Beth as well. That's a juicy set up to work with.

Sometimes it helps to show the LL at their usual daily business. And of course, all the chapters in this issue are happening more or less simultaneously.


      The Shoveller is a special case.

    Aren't we all.

Not when it comes to garden implements.


      We really have an overwhelming number of humanoid female robots, cyborgs, and A.I.s (and exactly no non-evil male ones that I can think of; the nearest is AlfRED). So it's not like we'd miss one or two, right?

    Hey, I'm real dam... wait, you're saying that I am. Or that I'm evil. In any event, I did churn out a few male robosapiens now and again when needed, but I don't think any of them have recurred.

As I said to Al. B in a reply earlier this month, the overabundance of female supporting cast, and of weird female supporting cast who are robots, succubi, vampires, ghouls, aliens etc., is an artefact of the overwhelmingly young male poster and poster-character presence of the earlier PVB.

It just means that effort is required to make those female characters more than furniture for male characters' situations and adventures, and I hope and believe we often manage that.

    What I really like about Tandi is that she fulfills the job of parodying something specific (be it the Austin Powers style sexbots or the Westworld ones or whatever they might actually be building over in Japan) but also serves as the closest thing to an "average" robosapien. I really like the idea of her as Hallie's kind of civilian friend.

    That said, if you absolutely feel that there are too many female robots, I have no objection to her being put back inside a male sexbot body for a change of pace.

I think you're quite right about Tandi. If she was ever cast (a la Al B's and CSFB!'s traditional casting lists) I'd look for someone who was able to play comedy, play an everygirl, and yet still be stunning and sexy; and a redhead - so probably Karen Gillan.


      We're quite well off for sexy supernatural women too, so a cull there is possibly also due. Fortunately we now have the mechanism.

    Stop thinning our strategic reserves, dammit!

I trust you noted that in the recent student slaughterfest, only one female cast member actually bit the big one, whereas five male cast got deaded.


      There's a perfectly acceptable bit of bay for it to sink into. It's not like Vizh isn't used to sunken houses.

    That's true, but once you live above-ground for a while it's hard to go back.

You never wanted an in-lounge pool?


      All in all these feel like mean replies, so in mitigation let me say that I have just started writing a chapter with three of your old-time favourites teamed up together with three of the oldest supporting characters from BZL against an adversary who is not that fond of Visionary.

    They were mean replies, and you're a mean man for typing them. But I am intrigued by your hint, regardless. Although the adversary bit doesn't really narrow it down too much.

True. Vizh or his household may well have another opportunity for annoyance of this adversary in UT#357.

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