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J. Jonah Jerkson

Member Since: Fri Nov 19, 2004
Posts: 140
Subj: Notes and Plans
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 at 10:17:18 pm EST (Viewed 2 times)
Reply Subj: Re: Untold Tales of the Parodyverse #356: The Sky Is Falling - Parts One to Four
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 at 07:58:00 pm EST (Viewed 910 times)


    First off Ian, thank you for your careful attention to the characters' limitations, such as Otto's inability to directly harm humans.

It's a good job I made nores back in the day, because I've forgotten a lot.

    You got three chapters of exposition into three sentences; hyperlinks certainly make it much more facile.

I'm burned out on footnotes for a while. They feel a bit like explaining the joke.

    Beth certainly would take a moment to reflect on being "played" before deciding to push the button. Doing so also because it's "not something I want to do any more" seems to be a clue that you may be setting her up for remorse or a "heel-face turn." If so, proceed but with some trepidation from me.

    I don't think I'd turn the Baroness good; it would spoil the fun, like having Cruella de Vil join the Justice League. However, I also didn't want to gloss over her recent experiences in a now-retconned time. She effectively gained years of memories of her being a somewhat different person, which must make any intelligent person a bit relfective for a while.

    Bringing back Lisa again as both adversary and attorney for Beth was a joy. I'm writing a tie-in for the post-crater events, and may give Lisa a cameo there as well.

Well, I was going to put the castle back the way I found it afterwards, but if you would prefer a different option it's your castle.

As for Lisa, she's not technically allowed to kill people either, only to arrange their ends. Cosmically it's not that different from Otto paying someone to kill someone for him. So she never really tried to kill Elizaebth here, only to annoy her.

From a practical point of view, I'll be visiting the Baroness next in Chapter 8 of the present story, which will likely be the first section of Untol;d Tales #357. That will begin with [spoilers blacked out just in case; highlight to read]
Elizabeth getting whipped through the Portal of Pretentiousness to the Hooded Hood's Council of Archvillains to discuss the developing situation. This was my get-Beth-out-of-trouble plan, but if there are intermediate steps she wishes to take, that would be possible also. She could be brought in from anywhere. The reason the castle emergency transporation system didn't work is because of the current general failure of most teleportation methods. I doubt that a meteor would stop Otto for long.

    Wishing you and Rhiannon much joy for the holidays,

Thanks. Likewise to you and yours.

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