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Anime Jason 

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Subj: Of course, it would be hard to collect when the company is nothing but ash.
Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 at 03:22:59 pm EST (Viewed 772 times)
Reply Subj: With certain small-print exclusions, obviously.
Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 at 02:08:54 pm EST (Viewed 1 times)

    There are a few readers around just now.

There were last time, too, but I wasn't getting many readers. So I didn't think it was the number, just that I picked a subject with very low interest.

    So if she made a change to one of the Laws of Physics she might not even remember having done it, having sealed off her own knowledge of it. Faite might be suspecting herself but ignoring the temptation to abandon her project to find out.

That's possible too. She might have changed something a long time ago that she since forgot about because she lost her own personal awareness of the changes she made along with the ability to see and feel everything at once. She relies on only her memory now, which being human, is somewhat faulty.

The danger in that, of course, is she could have changed something, and meant to change it back, but forgot, and this is all a consequence of faulty memory.

    And if that's true for her then it might be true for other cosmic entities also. One of them may have done the deed and erased their own perception of doing it.

Not to mention all of the entities that are long gone, but could have set something up ahead of time. Like the former Destroyer of Tales, the Moderator, or back when the younger Hooded Hood was still getting accustomed to his powers.

    I've had a few gruesome experiences of other editors not spotting things too, or changing things that they didn't understand where they had missed the point.

Sometimes the spell checker or auto-complete does that, too.

    As I mentioned to Al B. this week, one way past the log jam is to change the presentation format - a first person account, a newspaper article, a police report, a bystander's perspective et. al. Another method that doesn't usually work for me but seems to for some others is to skip the difficult bit for now, write on with the next part, and come back later.

I've actually tried changing the perspective already, but not the ordering. It really wasn't very good, though, because I axed most of it on the *first* re-reading.

Adding comments about the new part:

I can't help but think Yuki wouldn't have helped a bunch of vampires at all if it wasn't for the fact that the Lair Legion can use as many allies or people who owe them favors as possible. Unlike Hatman, she can see the positive aspects of staying in a neutral grey area. It's a completely new era.

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