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Al B. Harper

Member Since: Mon Jan 04, 2016
Posts: 485
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Subj: For sooth!
Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 at 03:50:26 am EST (Viewed 406 times)
Reply Subj: Indubitably.
Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 at 04:06:05 pm EST (Viewed 3 times)


      Oh i think we know why. (Wasn't there a third 'son of Harper' somewhere? I think I wrote him in and never went further).

    I don't recall one. Who was the second 'son of Harper'?"

Al B. Harper Chapter 22. and because it's hard to read with the way the board archive screws up the quotation marks the relevant text is:

Half a universe away in space and time a sexy woman with long tresses of 60’s-style-future-space-TV-show- blonde hair and dressed in a white body-suit with the zipper undone down to the navel turns off the advanced computer consul that had been showing the above scene and turns to face the young man standing in front of her.

Hot Blonde with zipper undone down to the navel (we really need a Visionary picture): “Is it clear what you must do my son?”

Angry looking young man who bares some resemblance to Cody and Kara Harper: “Yes mother. I will kill him for you. I will kill Al B. Harper. I will kill my father!”

This is very interesting because a) I think it's the last Chapter of Al B. Harper I've written, b)I'm surprised I actually got to 22! c)It was six years ago!! d) Visionary came through with the picture! and e)My Al B. and kids casting call in the replies still stands.


      Exactly. He does enjoy decoding the ancient dead languages in the Lair Mansion below-crypt crypts though (when he is allowed down with Shoggoth supervision). Those ancient words are probably quite the challenge.

    They say, "Happiness finale is coming soon..."

and "CSFB! was 'ere!"

    I find that when there's a scene or story I just can't bring myself to write it helps to reframe it in a different way; in the first person, as a newspaper report, described in a discussion between two witnesses etc.

Good advice! I don't have any plots for them at present though (aside from hanging plots around extra children from the future).

I do intend to proceed with polishing off the "potential new Junior" one over the break though. It's even developed from an UT issue. And recent discussions have given me further inspiration for the villain's gang.

Watch this space.



        Keyboards Melanie and Fly-Girl for the win!


        They share a common bond over their uncommon names.

    And they both have friends born in the 23rd century.

They do?

    I think I recall a story where the Shoggoth answered one of those offers.

That does ring a bell.

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