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Subj: "We don't suck quite as much as AT&T"?
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 at 02:23:01 pm EST (Viewed 2 times)
Reply Subj: They don't really have one now, so any would do.
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 at 09:42:28 am EST (Viewed 916 times)

    The way she might still be incredibly effective from time to time is if she does finally sense the Juniors are in serious enough jeopardy that she goes off by herself to start solving the problem - i.e. going to talk to Nats by herself while the Juniors continue arguing with the Heckfire Club.

As a general rule I restrict how many "character x who has been on the sidelines of the story actually fixes things for the main protagonists" events I include. It can work really well if the twist has been properly telegraphed and surprises the reader, but each time it happenes it gets harder to pull it again.

The very worst offender ever (in my biased opinion), was Brian Bendis in his first Avengers story, Avengers Diasassembled, a plotline so bad it broke me of a lifetime's habit of collecting the series. In that the Avengers are attacked by one of their own, the Scarlet Witch, who murders a number of team-mates including her former husband. The rest, about thirty of them, stand and watch in dismat as their mansion burns; not one of them tries to put it out. Fortunately, the whole team is rescued in issue four by the sudden appearance of then-non-member Doctor Strange, who waves his hands and solves the problem for them. This isn so utterly anticlimactic and such appalling plotting that it would make even for bad fan fiction.

So, burned by that, I try not to repeat Bendis' mistakes by doing the "previously unsuspected character robs the heroes of their victory" plot, and I limit the only-sometimes-cool "character x quietly flanks everyone and saves the day" for rare occasions.

This is especially important when one's archvillain character could probably walk in at the end of every storyline and solve things if one was being careless.

    [Faite is] A very quiet 15-ish, mostly. The best way to describe her personality relative to the Juniors is that a close friend probably asked her to join up and keep an eye on them, and she doesn't want to let that friend down, but really she'd rather be in her room reading a book.

She;s probably emotially too young for the current team, then. That's why they're now the contradictory Senior Junior programme. They're college-aged so they discuss sex and they probably swear and drink. Most of them have active love lives. If, say, Samantha Featherstone (15), or Magweed and Griffin (13) were there they would be more restrained, like babysitters. 18-year old Kerry is pretty fond of her niece Mags but there are some things she wouldn't talk about with her and some situations she wouldn't drag her into that she would never hesitate to do with FA.

Fortunately, having a Senior Junior team now leaves the way open for the Junior Junior team, the next generation!

    For instance I would think Yuki would send Vespiir being shy instead [of Lara], because of Yuki's more aggressive nature. It might remind her too much of someone who's far above her status and too frightening to be around, and that she might be punished just for talking to.

Yuki is probably one of the more alien women to Vespiir. Caph doesn't really use robotics or even mechanised prosthetics, so that's strange to Vespiir. Machine-using, mission-oriented Yuki is really a typical leman, whom pleasure slaves generally both fear and patronise. Masters sometimes use lemans to discipline pleasure slaves but otherwise pleasure slaves see them as being crude jumped-up domestics.

We saw a bit of this with the leman Kriije, who had a lot of resentment over not being born high enough to become a pleasure slave (her father was a serf, not a master) and who clawed her way to the top of the leman league but hit a glass ceiling.

Vespiir would never look down on a leman, especially one like Yuki, but it does create yet another division. Yuki is Not Like Her, pretty much like Liu Xi is like her.

    Lara would be the one to take Vespiir along to crash a party neither was invited to, and at first Vespiir might be sure they would both be caught and flogged. Then she'd see that even though they obviously don't belong there, Lara easily fits in and talks to people, and ends up doing so herself after Lara brings her into the conversation. It might change her whole world and what she believes she's capable of.

Just going somewhere without her immediate clan-sisters would be a big step.

    If you had to draw up a comparison, Yuki would be like Captain Jack Sparrow. Lara would be more like Captain Kirk, only with way less fighting and verbal pauses.

Who's Picard, then?

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