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Anime Jason 

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Subj: Re: Potting the black.
Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 at 11:07:31 pm EDT (Viewed 457 times)
Reply Subj: Re: Potting the black.
Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 at 09:52:16 pm EDT (Viewed 3 times)


      Like I noted above, Shema has tried to teach Lara that timing really is everything. In this case specifically, that Lara has to learn that the timing isn't always right for rescue. She has to learn to try her best to preserve and take responsibility for her own life - otherwise it becomes meaningless. Shema does that by purposely causing a certain amount of uncertainty of whether Lara will be rescued from danger or allowed to die - and unlike injury, when it comes to death that's not a chance worth taking. In short: Whether the wall and interference make a difference, Lara wouldn't know for sure, and Shema wouldn't give her a clue - but it's not worth the chance to Lara to find out.

    Shema and Thugos have something in common.

Kind of, except Shema isn't willing to bet people's lives on long shots. She already knows Lara is up to the task - it's just Lara who needs to learn that.

    Indeed. But like all comic book villains he has overlooked something fundamental.


    Feedback's always welcome and often shapes my writing processes. I've been able to refine and direct latter parts of this particular issue based on your comments, and I'll be bending some parts of next issue around some things Kirk has said.

That's why I asked - there's a fine line between helpful comments and annoying someone who has a plan and just had it derailed by comments. \:\)


      Oh, and post the next part already!

    I really prefer more folks reading and replying. If the board is still moribund by Saturday I'll bite the bullet and post anyway.

Darn them causing delays...

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