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Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
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Subj: I don't think the Hooded Hood could come up with such a limited plan that lead to such a simple choice.
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 at 02:30:49 pm EDT (Viewed 441 times)
Reply Subj: Noted.
Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 at 08:18:14 pm EDT (Viewed 5 times)


    It's really a shame that we've never had a story where someone wants to make Vizh his bride.

I'm not 100% sure that this is accurate, but thankfully I can't think up any specific stories. But to flip this around, you hardly ever see Sorcy or Liu Xi turned into weasels either, so we all have our niches.

Truth be told, however, I was actually talking about Lara having to choose how to help her friends, not Liu Xi dealing with her latest proposal.


    I'm setting a few things up for the new LL to deal with. The trio of villains in this storyline are part of it.

The trio in question being Thugos, Slithis and this Ultra-Doomwraith? And will they be lining up in an orderly fashion and waiting their respective turns?

And shouldn't those three be more than just "a part of" what the LL needs to deal with?

    I like my villains to make the heroes have to stretch a little.

Well, proper warm-ups do prevent injury.


    What this problem really needs is a diplomatic mission to Apocalyspe.

Yes, because Thugos really seems the type to prefer peaceful resolution to differences...

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