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Anime Jason 

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Subj: Re: You could have saved the economy?
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 at 11:08:09 am EDT (Viewed 434 times)
Reply Subj: Re: You could have saved the economy?
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 at 06:00:04 am EDT (Viewed 4 times)

    We'll certainly get to understand his motives in-story, but two acceptable outcomes (to him) are that Lara returns changed and empowered and either works for or against him in bringing forward evolution through conflict.

I guess it depends how far along the process Lara realizes what he's doing. She might refuse to go at all if she realizes that no matter what happens to her at the Wonderwall, Thugos is going to harm someone because of it.

    It's certainly not guaranteed that she could take him down since he's one of the toughest characters in the Parodyverse, and he's far more ruthless and experienced at weilding vast power than any newbie deity.

Maybe not...but the point was, she tends to ask herself questions first like: Will this cause another Parody Master to come out of nowhere? Who will feed the billions in Thugos' empire after it falls, or keep them from killing each other? Who will be the Destroyer of Tales, and will they be even worse? etc...


      Or I could be wrong, and the act of someone reading the wonderwall personally would cause destruction of the Parodyverse, and Thugos wants her to believe it's her fault. Or maybe he's confident she'll learn something from it that prompts her to want it destroyed.


That would be less likely though, because if, for instance, it says something about the Lair Legion causing the destruction of the Parodyverse, her first thought would be that she can still prevent it somehow.

What might prompt her to wonder about if it should exist, though, is if the wonderwall implies that the Parodyverse's very existence is killing something important, or if she feels like it's an evil, corrupting presence that will be turned against her or her friends somehow.

Ironically, if that's what Thugos is trying to turn Lara into, he's going to have problems with that thought process.

Actually I just thought of the most likely thing to be scrawled on the Wonderwall - it probably says "Xander Was Here". Or slightly less humorous, it might be a message he planted there waiting for someone who can get there to be sent to read it.

    Kwatrain's Assassin Corps are bad people to annoy on Apocalyspe if you wish to safely eat, sleep, breathe, touch things...

Chiaki would probably tell them to watch what they say about her friends or something, and then smirk internally when it scares them.

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