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Anime Jason 

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Subj: And more silence, because I edited this a day after posting it.
Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 at 08:43:06 pm EST (Viewed 547 times)
Reply Subj: Now there is only silence
Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 at 02:19:09 pm EST (Viewed 2 times)

    "Maybe you are merely a buffoon? Little heroes tend to prattle to distract from their inadequacies. Proceed."

Lara would respond that she's disappointed he'd resort to such a base insult.

LATER EDIT: Additionally, Lara kind of feels sad for the Hood because she feels that though he gained all of that power, he still clings to Herringcarp like a security blanket, and he'll never really be free until he lets go of it.


      If he says that with her nearby, he might find his edge really dulled for a few days.

    That would indicate Faite has an extraordinary power-source.

She would say it takes only precise timing.

    I try and avoid pitting poster-characters vs poster-characters in decisive tests of competence or power, so it's not a corner I'd write myself into.

We did leave it rather vague, though. If Yuki happened to be in the Zemo house, she could have only visited publicly accessible areas, and noticed the heavy surveillance and left. She wouldn't be stupid enough to start breaking in while being watched...or more importantly to her, giving away her breaking in methods.

    I'm probably extrapolating beyond my range to suggest how that might work out. JJJ is the Baroness' writer, so "write-back" for what happens if one of your characters scores points off her is down to him.

The short version on this is the Psychic Samurai won't fight if she doesn't have to. If she wants to get into the Zemo house, she's not going to fight off waves of protection mechanisms; she'll make an appointment to have tea with the Baronness and explain what she wants to see, and hope it gets her where she wants to go.

She'll try and explain to the Baronness how it would be beneficial for her to see. For instance, if it's something the Lair Legion believes the Baronness has, or is doing, she would ask if she could help put the rumors to rest.

    There is a danger when I use poster-villains that I'm sort of racking up scores for other poster characters to settle with them. I had that problem with Baron Zemo somewhat. I'm concerned that I drag the Baroness into that zone too.



      There was some suggestion that Al B. Harper knew Yuki before the surgery, but no definite reason why yet. The funding, the access to parts, and money wasn't explained yet, but I did drop a hint that Dr. Lia had some part in it. Last time we "met" her, Al B. Harper was beside himself with the prospect of speaking to her, but he never got the chance.

    It's a fertile narrative area to cultivate.

I might revisit that story someday, but first I have to finish the one I'm working on.

    It's a matter of personal taste. I do know from experience that it is very easy for me to write more PV material since I have a massive back-cast to call upon than it is for me to write similar content for non-PV tales.

    Just something to consider if you develop stories for this cast.

In some cases, such as Lara, I hold back giving them a powerful enemy because doing so would create a really disastrous problem for the Lair Legion. rather than just Lara herself.

LATER EDIT: After some thought, I figured out that Lara's strongest type of enemy would be anything that can imitate or absorb her own powers. She knows just how dangerous that can be, so she would *have* to fight them on different terms than simply overpowering them.

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