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Anime Jason 

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Subj: Does this bring to mind a song?
Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 at 09:10:24 pm EST (Viewed 550 times)
Reply Subj: And karaoke.
Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 at 01:56:44 pm EST (Viewed 2 times)

    That would be fitting, but I have no idea what would be appropriate if and when the time comes.

    Actaully, as I typed this, I had an idea.

That's because I'm good at inspiring everyone but myself!


      Then again, maybe [the Hood] might take pleasure in explaining to her exactly what he's doing, if he realizes that she won't really stop him, she'll just mock him for doing something she feels is ridiculous.

    The Hood: "What butcher cares about mockery from sheep in the slaughterhouse?"

That line is a terrible one to use with a complete smartass like Lara. She would ask him, "What if I'm the butcher and you're the sheep? Or maybe I'm the wolf!" Then she would howl as a demonstration.


      It does remind me of Faite's tendency to disappear when she might be in jeopardy, and re-appear when it's most convenient to her, though.

    Knifey wouldn't know about Faite, either. Never heard of her. Gypsy fortune-teller, probably. Or maybe a stripper.

If he says that with her nearby, he might find his edge really dulled for a few days.

    The Baroness' resources are extensive enough to track down an absconded employee. My basic point is that assuming Yuki could exploit a minion to exploit a security loophole she would either have to be very certain that minion could not be blamed or she would need to take extreme measures to relocate that person, if she didn't want to be mailed that person's freshly-severed body parts over a period of weeks.

I was keeping the discussion lightweight, but Yuki really has been doing this kind of thing for a while. She might have already been in the Baroness' house, and doesn't tell anyone because things are safe as long as no one - not even the Lair Legion - knows about it.

Her approach is completely the opposite of the Psychic Samurai, who has *also* probably been in the Baroness' home, but instead simply made an appointment and asked for a tour. She only can do that because she's good at being extremely polite and observing protocol. Kind of like Sir Mumphrey, but without the outbursts.

    I suppose I'm curious as to some backstory, such as why Harper came to choose her, how the brain-transplant was accomplished and by whom, and how harper happened to have a body ready to go. Did Harper know Yuki before that? Was Yuki working for him when she was inhured so he'd feel oblighed to arrange her bionic refit? For that matter, who paid for the materials for Yuki's extremely expensive cyborg self? It's not as if EEE is ever much out of the red.

There was some suggestion that Al B. Harper knew Yuki before the surgery, but no definite reason why yet. The funding, the access to parts, and money wasn't explained yet, but I did drop a hint that Dr. Lia had some part in it. Last time we "met" her, Al B. Harper was beside himself with the prospect of speaking to her, but he never got the chance.

    That's another chracter you've teased but never really spotlighted.

We met her briefly once, when Nena was introduced. But then she fled again to parts unknown.

    What I mean is that various heroes in the PV have associated enemies. Hatman has Doorman, his evil alternate. The Shoggoth has Nyarlurkotep. Mumph has Symmetry of Synchronicity and Captain Black and a few others. Vizh has the Apostate and Roni Y Avis. CSFB! has a full rogures gallery worked out, although admittedly I've possibly written more of them in-story than he has. Dancer has Magenta St Evil. Al B. has his professional rivals such as Dr Lydekker. And so on. There's not really a similar-level associated baddie for Yuki yet.

I very often choose less specific associated enemies for characters, because it's too easy to write to a conclusion where that particular enemy is beaten, and then there is no more threat. I like to create a continuing threat that goes on, and escalates, almost infinitely, because it can't be destroyed, only balanced.

And I like that word specifically because the Psychic Samurai's most prominent enemy is a lack of balance. She stands about halfway between the criminal underworld and the Parodyverse's most prominent heroes. If that balance is disturbed, she ends up fighting one entire side or the other. She loses her comfort and her freedom. That whole concept is going to be central to this story I'm 2 chapters into right now.

Yuki doesn't have an enemy right now because she beat her last one soundly, and hasn't really taken on another one yet besides ones the Lair Legion fight.

I purposely didn't give Lara Night a rival because that's a "reward" for getting involved. She's still reluctant to be anything more than backup if the Legion needs it. Why? Because she firmly subscribes to the "Batman Theory", that really powerful heroes encourage more powerful villains to come out and fight them.

Liu Xi has one, and Nena and Anna really only have the mysterious government as an enemy. That's about all there is for now.

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