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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: And karaoke.
Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 at 01:56:44 pm EST (Viewed 2 times)
Reply Subj: And taxes.
Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 at 03:06:17 pm EST (Viewed 704 times)


      If ever I do a big final PV story, I assure you the Hood is going down big time.

    I strongly suspect he'll go full circle and end up back helpless in an asylum with a cruel doctor watching over him again, only this time he'll feel like he deserves it for overlooking something that led him there.

That would be fitting, but I have no idea what would be appropriate if and when the time comes.

Actaully, as I typed this, I had an idea.


      He's taken some measures to get her away from him now.

    She has to come back eventually, though.


    If [the Hood] has more than one import to investigate, I can see why he'd either avoid Lara or leave her for last. No, not because of the power she has - because she's the only one who might be aware of what he's doing.

Assuming she's the last!

    Then again, maybe [the Hood] might take pleasure in explaining to her exactly what he's doing, if he realizes that she won't really stop him, she'll just mock him for doing something she feels is ridiculous.

The Hood: "What butcher cares about mockery from sheep in the slaughterhouse?"

    Hasn't Knifey mysteriously disappeared and re-appeared before?

He's been lost and recovered by ManMan once before, but that was explained in story. There are other stories about various blades through history turning up inexplicably but Knifey is clear that he knows nothing about that.

    It does remind me of Faite's tendency to disappear when she might be in jeopardy, and re-appear when it's most convenient to her, though.

Knifey wouldn't know about Faite, either. Never heard of her. Gypsy fortune-teller, probably. Or maybe a stripper.

    If [Yuki] thought that was a danger [to a staff member she conned to gain access to Schloss Shreckhausen] she might make a point to stop on the way out and tell them to take a long vacation.

The Baroness' resources are extensive enough to track down an absconded employee. My basic point is that assuming Yuki could exploit a minion to exploit a security loophole she would either have to be very certain that minion could not be blamed or she would need to take extreme measures to relocate that person, if she didn't want to be mailed that person's freshly-severed body parts over a period of weeks.


      I'm not sure you;ve ever detailed the exact mechanics by which a brain-ready shell came to be available when Yuki needed it - and why it isn't a standard prosthetic for everybody else who would otherwise die or be crippled for life.

    There aren't any strong details. While she was in the hospital with severe burns, Al B. Harper custom made her entire body, and the brain case, and it was unbelievably expensive, which is why he hasn't made another one.

I suppose I'm curious as to some backstory, such as why Harper came to choose her, how the brain-transplant was accomplished and by whom, and how harper happened to have a body ready to go. Did Harper know Yuki before that? Was Yuki working for him when she was inhured so he'd feel oblighed to arrange her bionic refit? For that matter, who paid for the materials for Yuki's extremely expensive cyborg self? It's not as if EEE is ever much out of the red.

Major origin flashback story requires sometime!

    Interestingly enough, Nena and Anna were built similarly by a reclusive robotics expert who holds the patents on a lot of their construction. They both call her "Dr. Lia". She does not hold a patent on the design of Yuki's brain case or the support systems that keep the brain alive. I would speculate that Al B. Harper is a huge fan of hers.

That's another chracter you've teased but never really spotlighted.

    What's kind of funny about that is Yuki made enemies of nearly the entire criminal underworld in Paradopolis and GMY, which is why she had to join the Lair Legion to hide from them. The Psychic Samurai immerses herself in the criminal underworld, and occasionally carefully manipulates it, but she hasn't done anything to dissolve the hatred they have for Yuki. And yet the two of them are friends.

What I mean is that various heroes in the PV have associated enemies. Hatman has Doorman, his evil alternate. The Shoggoth has Nyarlurkotep. Mumph has Symmetry of Synchronicity and Captain Black and a few others. Vizh has the Apostate and Roni Y Avis. CSFB! has a full rogures gallery worked out, although admittedly I've possibly written more of them in-story than he has. Dancer has Magenta St Evil. Al B. has his professional rivals such as Dr Lydekker. And so on. There's not really a similar-level associated baddie for Yuki yet.

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