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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: Now there is only silence
Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 at 02:19:09 pm EST (Viewed 2 times)
Reply Subj: Does this bring to mind a song?
Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 at 09:10:24 pm EST (Viewed 552 times)


      That would be fitting, but I have no idea what would be appropriate if and when the time comes.


        Actaully, as I typed this, I had an idea.

    That's because I'm good at inspiring everyone but myself!

That's quite a gift.


      The Hood: "What butcher cares about mockery from sheep in the slaughterhouse?"

    That line is a terrible one to use with a complete smartass like Lara. She would ask him, "What if I'm the butcher and you're the sheep? Or maybe I'm the wolf!" Then she would howl as a demonstration.

"Maybe you are merely a buffoon? Little heroes tend to prattle to distract from their inadequacies. Proceed."

    If he says that with her nearby, he might find his edge really dulled for a few days.

That would indicate Faite has an extraordinary power-source.

    I was keeping the discussion lightweight, but Yuki really has been doing this kind of thing for a while. She might have already been in the Baroness' house, and doesn't tell anyone because things are safe as long as no one - not even the Lair Legion - knows about it.

I try and avoid pitting poster-characters vs poster-characters in decisive tests of competence or power, so it's not a corner I'd write myself into.

    Her approach is completely the opposite of the Psychic Samurai, who has *also* probably been in the Baroness' home, but instead simply made an appointment and asked for a tour. She only can do that because she's good at being extremely polite and observing protocol. Kind of like Sir Mumphrey, but without the outbursts.

I'm probably extrapolating beyond my range to suggest how that might work out. JJJ is the Baroness' writer, so "write-back" for what happens if one of your characters scores points off her is down to him.

There is a danger when I use poster-villains that I'm sort of racking up scores for other poster characters to settle with them. I had that problem with Baron Zemo somewhat. I'm concerned that I drag the Baroness into that zone too.

    There was some suggestion that Al B. Harper knew Yuki before the surgery, but no definite reason why yet. The funding, the access to parts, and money wasn't explained yet, but I did drop a hint that Dr. Lia had some part in it. Last time we "met" her, Al B. Harper was beside himself with the prospect of speaking to her, but he never got the chance.

It's a fertile narrative area to cultivate.

In the interests of advanced footnotes, there are a few characters established in PV history that might be pertinent:

Dr Vizhnar (deceased) was a villain working with Baron Zemo on synthezoids from the 40s to the 90s. He is one possible origin for Visionary and the definite origin of the fake man joke. He was probably the creator of HALLIE for Zemo.

Dr Rikka Ulz Hagen is, if I remember correctly, his daughter and inheritor of his work. She is obsessed with Hallie and an AI genius. She is currently incarcerated for her part in the "virtual realm bombing" that wiped out hundreds of sentient robots.

Helen MacAllistar (deceased) was a classmate and friend of Dr Harper and Miss Framlicker. She was a pioneer of AI systems. She was murdered by the Shadow Cabinet. Her engrams were used to create Hallie.

Dr "Weed" Wrichards is credited with creating the first generation of sentient robots, including the first human-looking ones. Some refer to him as "father". The real Wrichards may be long dead, replaced by one or more robot doubles.

Professor Pervo (Antonio Prevari) is an industrialist who has made his fortune designing and selling sexbots. He was last seen beaten to a pulp by his creations who were liberated by De Brown Streak.

HAGGIE is HALLIE's forerunner, a cruder murderous prototype. She was last seen running around in the stolen, disfigured "Strong Suit" body made for Hallie and had been singficantly upgraded by Ulz Hagen. She's somewhere between an evil Hallie and an evil Yuki and has skills similar to both matched with a serial killer's tastes.

I mentional these because Dr Lia would undoubtedly have a history with some of all of them.

    I very often choose less specific associated enemies for characters, because it's too easy to write to a conclusion where that particular enemy is beaten, and then there is no more threat. I like to create a continuing threat that goes on, and escalates, almost infinitely, because it can't be destroyed, only balanced.

    And I like that word specifically because the Psychic Samurai's most prominent enemy is a lack of balance. She stands about halfway between the criminal underworld and the Parodyverse's most prominent heroes. If that balance is disturbed, she ends up fighting one entire side or the other. She loses her comfort and her freedom. That whole concept is going to be central to this story I'm 2 chapters into right now.

It's a matter of personal taste. I do know from experience that it is very easy for me to write more PV material since I have a massive back-cast to call upon than it is for me to write similar content for non-PV tales.

    Yuki doesn't have an enemy right now because she beat her last one soundly, and hasn't really taken on another one yet besides ones the Lair Legion fight.

Personal enemies make for personal stakes.

    I purposely didn't give Lara Night a rival because that's a "reward" for getting involved. She's still reluctant to be anything more than backup if the Legion needs it. Why? Because she firmly subscribes to the "Batman Theory", that really powerful heroes encourage more powerful villains to come out and fight them.

I see the character point, but "disengaged and uninvolved" are hard traits to tell stories about.

    Liu Xi has one, and Nena and Anna really only have the mysterious government as an enemy. That's about all there is for now.

Just something to consider if you develop stories for this cast.

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