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Al B. Harper

Member Since: Mon Jan 04, 2016
Posts: 485
Subj: That's probably them amortising their fees.
Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2016 at 05:34:24 am EST (Viewed 2 times)
Reply Subj: I have a note from Sneek, Grabbit, and Thuggery indicating interest is rising by the second.
Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 at 07:55:54 pm EST (Viewed 698 times)

    Funnily enough I was reading a back issue last night where you indicated Alex had found the restore key on your computer and wiped half of the story so you had to do it all again.

Literary critics can be so harsh.

    This time, we can blame the Replicant. See, that villain lives.

I blame my typing. Also weird Microsoft keyboard shortcuts I've never heard of.


      First impressions and considered opinions are both valuable feedback.

    Well, now you get both!



      [RE: Ham-Boy] The team really needs a young idealist.

    Yes indeed. So what is the current line-up as at the conclusion of this tale? It looks like Sally will stay, will Beth/Laurie? G'Eyed? A roll call would be useful.

I imagine the team will remain the same if I write it again, with possible additional Yo since he/she turned up for the clean-up and the poster was active too. That said, if the next storyline is the Da Visionary Code, that plot calls for certain characters to be in certain places and seperated from the main team anyhow, so line-up isn't as relevant.


      I e-mailed round as many folks as I still had addresses for when I first posted this arc.

    I suspect you would have been more successful than I anyway, if it were possible. I don't really have contact and avoid social media.

CSFB! evidently has Fscebook contact or similar with a number of old posters, including Whitney I think.


      As far as we know [Ioldobaoth] only used [Amnesia's] corpse as a toolkit. So that's alright.

    As far as we know is not definitive is it. *shudder* I wonder if he kept her bones? GAH! Why am I even thinking this?

I'm sure he has her bones, if that helps.


      Herringcarp Gothic might possibly make it as a novel one day. Apart from Wangmundo, there are no other people's cast in it at all.

    Would it work without the context of who the lunatic is? Or would you plan to introduce him first, and then release it later as an origin story?

I hadn't planned to shift the Hooded Hood across to my novels at all. And then the Epilogue to The Transdimensional Travel Company just happened.

For certain, Herringcarp Gothic would not be as strong if it was the Hood's first appearance.

    Well, I'm interpreting it as the Hood could have redeemed her, but he found himself quite liking the limits of his new power, and did not want it to unravel or lose those. He was talking about what he had gained there.

The Hood is always about the big picture.

    Perhaps he became what Morningstar wanted after all.

The devil is in the details.

    I'm also convinced Morningstar was more than just what he seemed to be, possibly a conduit setting all this up anyway (by whom? A mystery), but then I'd really need to go back and re-read all the earlier Herringcarp Gothic chapters (which I haven't since their original posting) to be sure on that.

We have an origin of sorts for the Hood, but none yet for Herringcarp.

    They have a lot of catching up to do. Out of interest, who is Beth's mother?

Her mother is Eloise, Graham's ex-wife. She appeared a few times in Untold Tales while Beth was comatose in hospital, blaming the LL for her daughter's condition. She was last seen being tazered by the Baroness/Citizen Z prior to Beth being restored.


      If I'd still been regularly posting weekly UTs then there would probably have been a courtroom-based issue to resolve all this.

    I think you did that once with Lisa early on, didn't you? It would have been frustratingly enjoyable in this case though, I am sure.

We're probably due for another one.


      Explaining how Knifey got back seemed like one mystery too many for what was already an absurdly long issue.

    Some mysteries aren't meant to be solved.

What I need to go back and check sometime is whether I made a continuity error with Marie. She became human during the Parody War but was murdered again during Saving the Future and returned as a more sentient banshee at that time. I'm not sure I've been consistent in the stories I just posted in remembering whether she was phantom or human.


      That was a sub-plot seeded in consultation with another poster for another time, and the opening act of the Da Visionary Code and the no-time-travel peiod that Kyzo mentioned.

    Stories that you tell us you're never going to write!

More like stories I have no planned start-by date for. Stories I do not guarantee to write.


      It took me four years to clear out my mother's house after she died, and nine months after finishing it I still have a pile of unstored boxes blocking my hall.

    *nods* I understand only too well, my mother's presence is still scattered around the place, and I don't mean her ashes. I kept her fridge and washing machine.

I also found some books she'd filled with poems and stories that i never knew she wrote.

    There are still some bits of my father here and there too, and he's been a long time gone.

I discovered my paternal grandfather's World War I bayonet.


      I told you that link was difficult.

    The Amazons are trying to get free.

That should be interesting.

I'd certainly include one if I was doing a 2015 version of the Juniors.

    See, Corposant Fire is the key.

Only if used by a superhuman with the ability to create lock-related paraphanalia from seeingly nowhere.


      We may have almost as many characters as a real comic book universe.

    And better quality ones for a lot of them too!

Hmm. Some.

And bear in mind that since I created about half the characters in the Who's Who and all the ones in the Technopolis Who's Who it's me I'm being critical of.


      DBS wrote [Jumbuck] in a rabbit costume, so who am I to change that? Perhaps nobody wants to tell him?

    Jumbuck: "Are you sure this is a Jumbuck costume?"
    The Tailor: "Yeth thir, I'm thure."
    Jumbuck: "Looks like a rabbit to me mate."
    The Tailor: "You inthult me!"
    Jumbuck: *shrugs, and takes it anyway*



      Nope, because Camellia, even with her glamour, is shallow and vain and really not that interesting after an Amazon Queen, two Shapers of Worlds, an amorous advocatrix, a Shee-Yar warrior, and Dancer.

    LOL, stop gloating. And don't forget Amnesia.

There were a few others too, but I'm not going to go an look them up. And neither is the Hood.

    Anyway, if I've learnt one thing from reading the stories here it's that making deals with the Fey is treacherous. I hope the Hood gets to experience that.

He did a deal with Queen Mab. Treachery was indeed factored in. She got him to do what she needed to restore her to her throne, he set in motion events that led to Magweed.


      Alright, I can put it off no longer. Kyza...

    Not that you're judging.

    Well, not much. I mean who wouldn't want to have an emo kid with grandfather worshiping delusions of grandeur?

I don't think Dirth Vortex was his grandfather. Just a beloved role model. But it does mean that Kyza may have or be seeking to develop Gah! powers. the Gah! may be with him.

    Luckily, we know that time-travel and future scenarios are often just insights into "possibilities" rather than "actualities".

    Yeah, that's what I'm clinging to.

    To be fair, I've forgotten what I had planned for him, or if indeed I every had anything planned.

If you need to do a different 3rd child then go for it. I'm happy to eliminate Kyza as a temporal anomaly.


      I suspect that if the Da Visionary Code storyline did happen, Kyza and his siblings would be amongst those deeply involved in it.

    Good good, proceed.

"When Kyza Met Vespiir..."

    I think resolving the Citizen Z/Laurie/Beth sup-plot was probably the most urgent in terms of needing a resolution.

Yes. I also wanted to lay out much of the Hood's scheming interconnectedness in-continuity.

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