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HH says don't ask

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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: Enough of publishers. And editors.
Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 at 10:29:37 am EST (Viewed 3 times)
Reply Subj: Re: Sounds like my publishers summarising sales.
Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 at 05:41:32 pm EST (Viewed 662 times)

    I know it sounds strange, but Faite really doesn't want to see [the Hood's] downfall. She knows what it will do to him, and that it will make him even more unmanageable in the future. Unless he's dead, in which case there will be a lot of cleanup work to do.

If ever I do a big final PV story, I assure you the Hood is going down big time.


      Remarkably, the Hooded Hood has only really gone all out against the LL twice, and each time he was only stopped by someone close to him (and behind him). The first time it was Lisa and the second time his then-daughter Troia. A third confrontation might be decisive.

    Sounds like Amnesia will be his weakness this time.

He's taken some measures to get her away from him now.


      the Hood has gathered intelligence from all kind of weird places now.

    He might still feel like it's all lacking, though, because the one piece that would be missing is someone with experience with not being in the Parodyverse.

He's already conducted some experiments along those lines, with Mr Epitome, Keiko, and a few others. That's not to diminish his interest in exploiting Lara but she's one in a succession.


      There are still some bits of knowledge he's missing, though. For example, only a few people have been exposed to the Storyheart, and he hasn;t yet gleaned what they got from that. Since Trickshot is now gone from the PV, top of the list would be Yuki Shiro, Knifey, and Visionary. Plans are afoot.

    Poor Visionary.

Indeed. Also, Knifey is mysteriously back with ManMan after being missing for a time.


      The Hood does tend to adapt based upon information gathered, so he's always ready to add more variations and contingencies to his planning. After all, he can literally be trying a thousand different ways all at once and then select which one really happened.

    What happens when they all meet the same inevitable conclusion? Or when Lara mocks him in every single one of them?

I don't think that has happened or he would have reacted differently.

    It's always funny to watch those videos where someone is picking a fight with cops, and when the cops try to arrest them, they start screaming "this is assault!" It's not, it's battery. They already passed assault when the cop yelled "Get out of the car, now!"

That's because the common usuage of assault and the term's legal usage are quite different. Nobody thinks that assaulting a fortress means speaking to it nastily.


      Wouldn't she also be signing that staff member's death warrant?

    Yuki wouldn't be around them any longer than necessary.

If that person was discovered as responsible for allowing an incursion then something bad would happen to them.

    Yuki now has a lot of motivation. She needs a lot of dirt to blackmail Zemo's lawyer next time he starts threatening to have her brain removed.

I'm not sure you;ve ever detailed the exact mechanics by which a brain-ready shell came to be available when Yuki needed it - and why it isn't a standard prosthetic for everybody else who would otherwise die or be crippled for life.


      The challenge comes because a Beth von Zemo kill order (probably contracted out via a pro middle-man like Screwdriver) would specify some assassin she assessed had a good chance of beating Yuki. It might make for an interesting fight.

    She would also know that if the assassin is anything like her, she's going to need backup. And probably someone the assassin doesn't know to stay away from, like Nena.

I mentioned before how I think Yuki's rogues' gallery needs expansion. There's an opportunity there. Great heroes need great villains.

    I had a few partial [Traders] plots in storage, but never wrote them up because they're too far from the PV-regulars, and people therefore don't read them.

I thought you managed a good tie-in by guest-starring Lara.

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