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Al B. Harper
Wears it with pride.

Member Since: Mon Jan 04, 2016
Posts: 485
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HH couldn't resist. He is horrible.

Subj: Nah, that's Coromandel 2 153 78957 1449167 2509. Convict numbers are complicated.
Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 at 04:21:10 am EST (Viewed 485 times)
Reply Subj: Postcode or convict number?
Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 at 03:43:59 pm EST (Viewed 4 times)

I'm not sure exactly, but suppose the convict number could be Cormandel 2 (name of ship, + its second journey) 153 (voyage number) 78957 (Record ID) 1449167 (Name indexes) 2509 (number written in copperplate on his appropriation listing).

So: Coromandel 2 153 78957 1449167 2509

Robert Wrigley. Sentenced to Life at the Lancaster Assizes for highway robbery. Transported to Van Diemen's Land on 25 June 1838. Left a wife Sarah, and 2 children behind in Rochdale north of Manchester. Had 10 more children in the colony with one Ellen Grey.

He (and Ellen) were 2 of my 32 great-great-great-grandparents.

Funnily enough, another of my 2/32 were James Watson and his wife Frances (Fanny, nee Hill). From Dedham in Essex. You got any Watson kin down that way? We could be related, cuz!

    That was yet another obsessively-tidy-away-absent-poster-characters bits, providing the reason we don't see Troia and Amazon Isle any more. At the time it was a bit more relevant since Mandi had left the board but a poster with whom she had had a brief online relationship was still around and a bit raw about it.

Oh dear.

    In-contiunity, the reason the scene was so hard to track was that it was only referenced in passing as part of the Parody War series, where the Hooded Hood emerges from his Portal all scorched and beaten up. He's in a foul mood because he's had to efectively seperate his daughter from the Parodyverse for all time in order to block another Parody Master invasion route. The main thrust of the scene was actually the subsequent truth-telling conversation witb Jury, former Shaper of Worlds.

The Parody War was an awesome storyline. I still think of it whenever I hear Mars from Gustav Holst's Planet Suite. That's so the Parody Master's theme music. I'll need to re-read it oneday (and given all your links in the recent post up board, re-read most everything else really).


      Or it could just be *see the space between Al B. Harper #1 and Al B. Harper #2*

    I thought we already covered that one?

Yes, that's just the hyperlink to the "lost time" reference.

    I imagine [Tanner has] had good times and bad ones. We might even hear of some at some point.

Like, the one with the dragon.

    He was one of the most Jesuit Jesuits of all time, so Jesuit that even other Jesuits thought he was a weird cove. He was extremely erudite but physically incapable of offering citations, which make his books extremely hard to fact-check. He was also a practicing exorcist and vampire hunter. Fascinating fellow, but intensly scary; I always oucture him as Roger Delgado.

If he was around today I bet he'd be in politics!

When I was little, I wanted to grow up to be Roger Delgado (or his definitive The Master at any rate).

    It's better than Spider Man: Turn Off The Dark

Oh Zod, why did I google that?

    I suspect I may jave tossed one or two other De Soths in here and there too, but who knows now?

Only the De Soths know, and they aren't telling!


      Do I need to post the picture again?

    It's entirely at your discretion.

There's a good opportunity upboard in the reply thread to your latest story perhaps.


Ah! Sweet! Nicely poser'ed Visionary.

We've never really got a depiction of the Shoggoth all bandaged up a-la the Invisible Man though, have we?

I'm as amazed at the depth of background there as poster ag was in the comments section!

    There are all kinds of opportunities for these kids [Kara/Cody].

    For example, Cody may have dropped out of college (again) to front a band for Mircandalee's Intergalactic Burlesque Show for a season. Travelling the galaxy would certainly give his special talent a workout and there are lots of cute aliens out there who think Earth-guys are edgy and dangerous after the Parody War.

Because running off with Mircandalee worked out so well for Hacker9 ;\)

Let's talk more about the Harper kids up-thread? One of them at least.

    [Abraham] was known as "the gods-breaker". In Hebrew with his father was a famous maker of images of the gods. Abram (as he was then) quarrelled with him becuase of this.
    His father got the job of making a dozen new graven images for a great temple. While they remained in his shop, local people brought offerings of food and drink each day to lay at the gods feet. But one morning all the offerings were strewn about as if there had been a food fight and eleven of the twelve statues were shattered.
    Abram was accused. His defence was that clearly the gods had fallen out over their gifts and had broken each other in the fight that followed. His father argued that the gods were just wood and metal and could not do that. Abram pointed out that he had just won the argument.


    The non-Biblical adventures of Abraham are really quite fun.

The non-biblical parts are always better. ;\)

You sound like you enjoyed writing the Bable story. I hope you find a decent publisher in due course.

    I may one day "leak" the [commissioned but then not] story to the PVB, since its the only place it could even semi-legitimately appear for review.

I may one day review it if so.

    A life of globetrotting glamour is palling now? What next? Bunyip-taming?

The glamour wore off years ago. But I do have a great job, I'm good at it, well known and respected in the industry, and enjoy it. Still, enough of that other business will drive a sane man to, as you say, test the waters.

I've always held the view that if life gets too much you can always run away and join the circus (as opposed to suicide). Bunyip-taming is another option.

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