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Anime Jason 

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Subj: Re: Maybe
Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 at 08:16:18 am EST (Viewed 681 times)
Reply Subj: Re: Maybe
Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 at 12:11:09 am EST (Viewed 2 times)

    Given her design specs, isn't that assault with a deadly weapon?

No one's tried that...yet.

    One wrinkle in this is that Maggie sees people's "hearts", their basic natures. That's not quite the same as seeing their sins, mistakes, shames, or even crimes. Nor, as a child, is she very well equipped to interpret what she senses.

That's exactly my point, though. Or Liu Xi's point. That Vinnie can't call himself evil because of one thing he's done.

    Re Lara, Mags doesn't have a "murder sense" like Exu the Doomherald. A mother who had killed to defend her baby might seem bright and true. An accountant who cheated his clients and taxes might register as a horrid person. Nor could Mags tell why somebody might have a dark heart.

Same point there, that Lara has killed before but it hasn't made her "evil". Though Lara has a dark side to her personality, and if that doesn't set off Mags' evil detector, Vinnie doesn't have a chance of it.

    One reason is probably that no-one really wanted to hear what he might answer. After all this time the Shoggoth is still alien and terrifying even to his team. Every time they think they know him he reveals some new disturbing facet.

Good thing disturbing facets don't bother Yuki. She looks forward to them.


      That's similar to the reason Faite will often refuse to bring someone back. It does some serious damage.

    Presumably her power-set would only allow resurrection at the instant of death.

Ideally, she wouldn't tamper with that except in the case of dead-beyond-medical-science-but-not-really-dead, but if she gets the timing right she might be able to pull someone from the jaws of death.

Her own version, in her own words, is that it's too late once a soul sees what is beyond.

    Noted next issue.

    It's hard to find now, but it could be harder. I doubt any obfuscation would deter the Hood for long; only put the reason for delay on his to-do list.

Faite would probably do something even more subtle than that, like make sure the merged stones aren't where the Hood left them.

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