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Subj: I think once she doesn't need to call me to ask me how to do something on her tablet we'll have a better understanding of how close we are.
Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 at 01:52:45 pm EST (Viewed 2 times)
Reply Subj: The end times?
Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 at 09:48:10 am EST (Viewed 3 times)


    It does need a bit of TLC now that it's Georgeless. I'd even considered moving Zebulon in there at one point.
    That would actually be an interesting place in which to set him up.

    Go for it. The old lady next door has the key.

I suppose it could be good cover if he was still working for the Faerie Queene and needed an undercover position from which to keep tabs on Magweed. Or maybe he just really likes spoons.

    I must admit, delving into all of these old stories has had me finding all sorts of supporting cast creations that I had completely forgotten about, despite the fact that I quite enjoy them when I rediscover them.

    I'd forgotten Catbot and Glory, and Zemette, and Brap, and Deputy-Commissioner Hogglet, and that horrible elephant-thing of Lisa's.

I apparently got restless in my later PV years and just randomly started writing stand-alone stories with a variety of leads... Wangmundo, Squibb the alien bounty hunter, Joan Henry the steam-driven robot, Mary Prankster, Brap, that Appraiser guy... Many a file I'd open up in the last week or two and say "Oh yeah... that guy!"


    I recall when Executive Producer Jeph Loeb forced his Red Hulk creation onto Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, with orders that he should jointhe team. The creators managed to follow instructions while crafting an excellent tale that showed by the Banner Hulk was superior and why Red Hulk could never really be an Avenger.

Is that what happened there? I remember being surprised that such a recent storyline (Red Hulk) was being covered in that show.

It's a shame that animated series was cut short... it really showed a love for the title and its history. I only watched a very small amount of its replacement, based on the movie line-up. I hear they will finally get around to adding the Vision, so maybe I'll check it out again then.

    I'm not sure if it's good or bad that they might be inspiring a generation of little girls to want to grow up to be equine sun gods, but it feels like progress either way.

    Indeed. Who wouldn't want a solar deity in the family?

I don't know... I like sleeping in well past sunrise too much.

    I was assessed to day as having a dominant agressive personality. My view is that I will be the one to decide that.

Were you wrapped in a cowl and sitting on a stone throne at the time they offered this assessment? Either way, assuming they were allowed to withdraw unchastised then I think you proved them wrong.


    If I ever have the opportunity to commit to a few more weeks of PV writing I may poll the active posters on the matter. One day.

Polls are always fun. And they often draw out anyone who is still around to actually care.

    The best we may mange is some "reunions" from time to time.

That actually does seem do-able, and a worthy goal really.

    You have a talent that must not be allowed to atrophy. Write.

I'm pretty sure that it has been fully amputated by this point. I've tried writing things as gifts, and just for my own general interest as well, and I just can't seem to do it any longer. My brain just doesn't pull down the words I want with any kind of speed.

I miss the ability, but I have severe doubts that I will ever recapture it.

    I admit, my preference for a time skip is likely driven by at least some desire to flee from the various unfinished stories that await my attention to sort out.

    Just list 'em all and we'll fix 'em in one story. In fact that Great North Star tale could end with some wishes.

It was, in fact, scheduled to end with wishes... It was a large part of the motivation of the antagonist. I just... can't remember exactly how the wish resolved everything the way I wanted it to do so.

I need to dig up the whole Dancer side of that tale too, as I don't have it. It wasn't started as a round-robin, but that didn't really stop Sarah. Tying the whole thing back together was part of the challenge as well.

    I would have enjoyed doing more with the Robots Rights stories... I think where things last left off, Jason had written a story where his character Anna had gotten declared a US citizen in court, and in my follow-up Hallie, Fleabot and the others were expecting some bad backlash.

    That's a theme worth taking up.

It was adopting to a curve that Jason threw into what I had been thinking, but then that's the fun and the challenge of the whole shared universe thing.

    I'm currently picking over some of my old PVB work to translate into novels. It's quite challenging.

I wish you luck with those! Your generosity in featuring other characters in your work makes it far more of a chore to separate out concepts than it might be for the rest of us, I'm sure.

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