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J. Jonah Jerkson
, who unfortunately had another choleric episode in RL and is recovering

Member Since: Fri Nov 19, 2004
Posts: 140
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Subj: Re: Comes payment due, which happens to be the working title of UT#354.
Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 at 01:15:05 pm EST (Viewed 710 times)
Reply Subj: Comes payment due, which happens to be the working title of UT#354.
Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 at 12:41:58 am EST (Viewed 6 times)

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      Meanwhile, the Epilogue That Would Not Die rampages into its second issue…

    We need to have a talk about the meaning of epilogue. There is no conclusion here.

It started as a single-scene epilogue, honestly. It was the inside-the-tomb bit that restored Beth. Then I needed a follow-on conversation/confrontation with the Hood. Then a bunch of other scenes occurred to me as logical consequences, some prompted by poster feedback. Then when I'd got the finished product as two issues, a last reread showed that there was a ton of character stuff missing, which required the addition of this latest chapter.

The justification for three issues is that each part has something of its own tone. An issue with the heroes out and about or mooching round the mansion and lighthouse is different from one set inside the walls of Herringcarp.

    It was great to see G'eyed flip out after everything, probably a long time coming, and get some assist from his pal CSFB! It's a shame neither poster is active and able to inject some of their viewpoints into this. Such is the nature of the board these days.

It would be great to hear from them. I do try to push the spotlight towards responding posters, so actually G-Eyed, CSFB! and Hatman might have got a lot more to do this time. Meanwhile, Yo and ManMan actually showed up!

And no-one except Rhiannon remembered that last time we saw Manny he'd lost Knifey - except me.

    I'd forgotten it was Wexford who first got to Beth. Funny that we were talking/chatting/typing (what is the correct form for conversing on the iinterweb?) about him earlier. It all happened so long ago. Time for closure for her surely.

It certainly shouldn't just be ignored.

    I would suggest that Mumph having memories of that marriage is not good for his long term health. It's time for us to find him a new wife. Or at least a distraction.

As you saw, Sam is deploying Asil. Or, as future-Sam called her, "gran - Asil."

    Drury's offer to Sally was a surprise, but I suppose not surprising. As was his retconned visage. Nice touch. JJJ's notes on her are very insightful.

I didn't want to cover whether Sally accepted. That's JJJ's call. However, of the current line-up she's the one who has the least status quo setup.

    I really want to see Miss Framlicker take the Baroness down now. With Lisa's cat in her corner she cannot lose.

They do seem like natural adversaries.

One thing about the graphic - the unknown child Kinki made from Al's genetic material is unknown to all but her and the child. It wouldn't appear on the schematic in the story - of if it did it would raise some serious questions. Of course, I know that this schematic was made for our own benefit years ago. Just mentioning this here so no one is confused.

Good catch. Also, the diagram is slightly out of date since Liu Xi's potential impregnation by Lord Slithis has now been averted. Danny is still a possibility.

    Vinnie and Liu Xi's chat was also insightful. I think she was right on to call him on his behaviour - though I do like potentially-to-be-bad Vinnie. I hope there are further ramifications for him.

In part that scene was me reflecting some of recent feedback conversation with jason, getting it "in story". And it's not really Vinnie turning bad so much as Vinnoie turning pragmatic. But that's the stuff character comflict arcs are made of. Also, in Jason's latest stories Liu Xi and Vinnie are no longer an item, so it felt appropriate to lay some groundwork.

    Yuki's chat with the Shoggoth showed a side to the Shoggoth we don't see much. A thoughtful, almost contemplative Shoggoth, rather than a 'bubbles up and throws out a witty one liner probably with an anime reference while devouring something' Shoggoth. ;\) I do wonder now though - is Yuki potentially immortal herself?

It's nice to be able to use characters in different way sometimes, sso they don't become one-joke one-note cutouts. Even Dream got a different role this time.

I'm not sure Yuki is immortal. Her brain is human and therefore subject to senesence over time.

    Speaking of robosapiens, it was nice to see reference via Tandi's chat to that. I think there is another simmering sub-plot left hanging for all these years surrounding the robosapiens rights movement, isn't there?

That's certainly deserving of a proper arc, but whether it's solvable except over many generations, like racism and sexism, is another matter.

    Mags and Griff are always enjoyable appearances. And there were some funny one liners in the lighthouse scene. The toaster - Jarvis' bust. You know, for a split second there I'd thought Jarvis and spiffy were one and the same, with both posters being so long absent from the board.

The mouse song is one that I repurposed from something I prepared for the Quest for Naari material back in the day.

    The revelation that the Hood has been building all this up through his manipulations over time in order to obtain the Insanity Stones is putting him firmly back in his place as a grade A bastard. I hope Beth is going to Herringcap to stick him in the belly with a sharp implement, though I suspect she is going to be all noble and allow Laurie to life (somehow). At the very least I hope the stones give the Hood constipation!

This felt like the time for the big reveal that the Hood (and his writer) have been setting some things up for a loooong time.

    I look forward to the conclusion!

Me too.

Although the flashbacks are awfully Herringcarp Gothic.

All suggestions are fine, although I'd prefer Sally's time with SPUD to be limited. Some day I have to write her confrontation with Elizabeth.

More hopefully over the weekend; I'm stranded at an airport because of the huge U.S. East Coast snowstorm and I may finally have time to finish either the Samantha F. tie-in or some JJJ editorials.

Best to all,and thanks to Ian's unstoppable desire to wrap things up, which is gifting us with so much extra content.

J. JONAH JERKSON Voice of the People
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