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Subj: The end times?
Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 at 09:48:10 am EST (Viewed 3 times)
Reply Subj: Still, my mother started reading ebooks, which I feel must represent some kind of tipping point...
Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 at 01:23:38 am EST (Viewed 2 times)


      It does need a bit of TLC now that it's Georgeless. I'd even considered moving Zebulon in there at one point.

    That would actually be an interesting place in which to set him up.

Go for it. The old lady next door has the key.

    I must admit, delving into all of these old stories has had me finding all sorts of supporting cast creations that I had completely forgotten about, despite the fact that I quite enjoy them when I rediscover them.

I'd forgotten Catbot and Glory, and Zemette, and Brap, and Deputy-Commissioner Hogglet, and that horrible elephant-thing of Lisa's.

    I do at least admire that when their corporate overlords saddled them with having Princesses in the show (they sell well), the show runners decided that just because they had to use the title, it didn't stop them from really redefining what a "Princess" was by having them be godlike and flat-out making the land a Principality.

Good on them for subverting things.

I recall when Executive Producer Jeph Loeb forced his Red Hulk creation onto Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, with orders that he should jointhe team. The creators managed to follow instructions while crafting an excellent tale that showed by the Banner Hulk was superior and why Red Hulk could never really be an Avenger.

    I'm not sure if it's good or bad that they might be inspiring a generation of little girls to want to grow up to be equine sun gods, but it feels like progress either way.

Indeed. Who wouldn't want a solar deity in the family?

    Every now and then I convince myself I might be clever, but those moments last less and less.

I was assessed to day as having a dominant agressive personality. My view is that I will be the one to decide that.

    In fact I even considered explaining why there had been six or seven years of relative inactivity: the Pax Cucullus ("Peace of the Hood"), in which a certain cowled crime czar enforces a period of criminal inactivity for his own ends as he prepares for something big. "Well done, Legionnaires. You may now go home. That is all. Proceed."

    The same storyline would have offered a time-jump to the present for those who didn't want their cast sitting around ageing, leading to a "return of the heroes and villains" thing a decade after they mysteriously vanished.

    See, that all sounds quite interesting to me. Of course, I just finished watching the first episode of the relaunched "X-files", which is back for a mini-series, so the idea of picking things back up after years of inactivity seems very doable.

If I ever have the opportunity to commit to a few more weeks of PV writing I may poll the active posters on the matter. One day.

    [Garrick's daughter] was future Griffin's temporary partner in that story:

Ah yes, I recall now.

    The whole thing was apparently part of a "Forest Week" theme started by Al B. for reasons I cannot begin to remember at all.

Al B. does things like that from time to time.

    As for not remembering that she exists, there might be a reason for that, as the time-traveling villain of the tale couldn't recall Garrick having a daughter and suggested the possibility of a retcon at work.


    I must say, that's a real handy little excuse to have to keep from worrying about things matching up perfectly.

I always thought so.

    You're likely right in that this current revival can't last, especially without ongoing Untold Tales content to fuel it. I think with all of us, the audience here has gotten rather small for the amount of creative effort involved in catering to it. While I'd very much like to revisit these characters with my own writing and continue their adventures, it's such a struggle for me any longer that it take a great deal of incentive for me to power through with it... and with work and other things competing for my attention, it is unlikely to take priority.

The best we may mange is some "reunions" from time to time.

    I have considered writing for larger and more voracious audiences elsewhere, but even then I can't seem to muster up the momentum necessary to actually produce anything.

You have a talent that must not be allowed to atrophy. Write.

    I was probably my most productive when this board was my key source of social interaction online. It was a very heady, creative environment back then, just a step removed from a chat room really. (In fact, I might cast some blame on the rise of chat rooms and instant messaging as a key contributing factor in the fall off of random stories on the board, as they were no longer needed to really express ourselves.)

I suspect it is also that communities of this sort have a lifespan and an evolution profile. We've had ours here. It lasted longer than I'd expected.

In particular, the slew of young adult male comic-book fans who once were the main component of the posters are now all pushing middle age, with family and job commitments and very different experiences and outlooks on life.

    I admit, my preference for a time skip is likely driven by at least some desire to flee from the various unfinished stories that await my attention to sort out.

Just list 'em all and we'll fix 'em in one story. In fact that Great North Star tale could end with some wishes.

    I would have enjoyed doing more with the Robots Rights stories... I think where things last left off, Jason had written a story where his character Anna had gotten declared a US citizen in court, and in my follow-up Hallie, Fleabot and the others were expecting some bad backlash.

That's a theme worth taking up.



      I hasten to add that I have no current plans for writing more of this than has been on for a good decade.

    It's nice to talk like we're actually going to do all of these things though. I like to think that it helps create an alternate reality where we do finish all these epic tales.

I'm currently picking over some of my old PVB work to translate into novels. It's quite challenging.

    I hope that [Shep] is living by that advice herself, and that wherever she is, she is deliriously happy.


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