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Al B. Harper

Subj: Depends how much you liked that cow-girl picture.
Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 at 10:11:56 am EST
Reply Subj: Shaken not stirred?
Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 at 10:30:07 pm EST


      Well, Mark Hamill has aged a lot since "A New Hope". He may be a zombie by now.

    He looks better than he has in years based on the interwebs pics of him at the opening night. Beards for the win.

I saw him in The Flash reprising his 1990s TV role as the Trickster from the old Flash series (which he played then and now like his animated and video game version of the Joker). He gives good crazy old man.


      Anyone coming new to the characters can be as baffled by the cast as the rest of us, for that full Parodyverse experience.

    It's the best way to start!

I pondered whether to add footnotes but decided that on this occasion it was more important to include the relevant information in the main text of the story. Things that might have been helpful reminders or fun sidelines for regular readers back in the day are probably essential data after so long a discontinuity.


      That's how trilogies get out of contriol.

    As you well know.

A few projects have slipped into extra volumes. St George and the Dragon was meant to be one book until it became clear that it would be george R.R. Martin thick. The Robin Hood trilogy ended with three; that fourth volume was a seperate set of stories using the cast and settings of the other three. The Byzantium novella series, meant to publish monthly two years ago (still waiting for #3 and 4, Pro Se Press!) only over-ran by three stories from the originally planned one-off.



        You know...the Baroness and old Mumph make an interesting couple...let's keep that going for a bit 'eh? #TeamBaroness&Mumphry


        Well, they're going on a date to Herringcarp Asylum. How much more romantic does it get?

    Dessert and a coffee in the tunnels under Herringcarp Asylum?

Mind you, Vizh, Hatty, and CZ have also got a table booked.

    Ah, the old French defense. No wait, that's "giving up".

Feu! *fellow wearing a beret and stripy shirt spits on your croissant*



        I feel like 'Iscanean Went' should be more meaningful to me. I'll need to borrow Hatman's Thinking Cap for a while.


        Jolly good.

    "Tnew Naenacsi" Bah....

Heh. A teen scan win!



        Looking forward to more come Boxing Day (my time).


        Excellent. Did you ever get to see a copy of The Transdimensional Transport Company?

    Aside from the draft you sent unfortunately not. I wanted to buy one but the cost of postage was ridiculously (and overly) expensive. I think I gave you a review though? I also want to get a copy of the Vinnie and Mumph ones.

12 minutes of intensive and comprehensive internet research have determined that it is cheaper to send convicts to Australia from the UK than books. However, Royal Mail would send a package of three books for £20.05 and a couple of dodgy sites I've never heard of would do it for under £17.

Best thing to do is to wait until I finally get round to finishing Premium Delivery To The Centre of the Earth (TTC 2), somewhere in the first quarter of the new year. Then, when it's out, prod me so I can send you off all four books in one package, which is much cheaper than individual deliveries.

Do you have the e-books? Because if not I can rectify that.

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