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HH also had an itch to finish off some subplots he left dangling. A lot of subplots.

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Subj: The brief was "write a PV story", so I decided to leap right into the middle of it.
Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 at 09:33:23 am EST (Viewed 1 times)
Reply Subj: Man alive... that is a lot of continuity. One would think that new guy would get a hernia just sorting through it all.
Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 at 12:55:20 am EST (Viewed 2 times)

    I'd love to say that it all came roaring back to me vividly, but I think there are points that I will have to review in prior issues. Still, I'm rather shocked at how much of this I retained, or at least was able to follow without trouble.

I considered updating the Who's Who, but given that the story is set inside an unstable retcon that seemed like a short-term advantage.

One change I have made, with regard to it being well over a decade since some poster characters were created, is to avoid using full names for characters who have the same name as their creator. Hence we reference Lisa, Jay etc., but I'm not including full real names unless the poster has specifically okayed it. Some people have moved on and may want to minimise their contemporary PVB associations in the Goodgle search engine.

    Really, I have a heck of a time even remembering where all of my own characters had been left... but still, this feels just like old times: A cast of thousands, more subplots than you can shake a stick at, major changes and many levels of peril.

I'm happy to send you a list of the stories you need to provide conclusions for.

    I have no idea how you're intending to wrap this all up without another 50 issues, but I'm more than game to see you try.

I'm a bit worried about my capacity to pull this together in three episodes too. My ability to write to a fixed word count have not improved with time, to the annoyance of several publishers. For example, my 15,000 word short story for Sherlock Holmes, Consulting Detective volume 10 has over-run by, um, 15,000 words. Well, by 14,983. Plus footnotes. Good job that's a landmark 10th volume, right?

    Loved the Shoggoth in this, as well as the Baroness, and poor Marie having to deal with her opposite being on her own turf.

There are some characters who just write themselves.

One strange thing I realised while writing #350 is that, despite them being team-mates for almost the entire span of the Parodyverse, I don't recall ever doing or reading a Vizh-Hatty team-up before without other cast there.

    I'm left wondering which Hood retconned Mumph's history, and why. Was it an attack, or was it intended just to get his attention? I suppose the showdown to come with this new guy will give some clues...

Oooh, very good. You've been reading this stuff for a while now, haven't you?

It also got the Baroness' attention.

    Nicely done! Looking forward to the next bit!

I hope to finish that off today. I apologise in advance for the stuff in Vizh's mouth.

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