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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: Re: Well, the villains are rotters.
Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 at 06:09:42 pm EST (Viewed 4 times)
Reply Subj: Always with the excuses, those villains.
Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 at 05:17:20 pm EST (Viewed 735 times)

    Just so long as it's not another New Lair Legion. We tried that already.

I've managed to black out the many traumas of line-up reshuffle poster negotiations.


      I suspect Dr Harper didn't see it as misfortune, just as an unparalleled research opportunity. Another aspect of Lara's previous adventures folds into the wider plot as this story develops.

    That would annoy Lara, too.

Al B. is not known for his sensitive social perceptions.


      It's also worth noting that this and the two subsequent chapters of Untold Tales follow on directly from the place in continuity the LL were at when the Untold Tales series left off, except for obvious alterations that are explained in-plot. I've tried hard to ignore foreknowledge of stories that were plainly set after this moment.

    Speaking of which, I have to dust off a story I was going to post back in 2013 before things went slow, and I ditched it mid-plot. It has a really good start, doesn't really relate to this Untold Tales. I might post it in pieces so I can drop it if it doesn't work.

I was surprised in revisiting the folders where I kept my PVB work to find that I had several part-finished stories in progress that I had forgotten all about, that I had posted some stories I no longer remembered writing, and that there was even one complete tale I just never got round to putting up!



        And I had a stray thought about what happens to the Psychic Samurai when someone messes with continuity like that. Somewhere, she has a massive migraine as her senses try and keep up with the changes.


        For that matter, as we have seen, the cast of World Class get a whole new soft reboot.

    Wrong Asian with a sword, that's Keiko. Chiaki Bushido is the Psychic Samurai.

No, I wasn't confusing them. I really was referring to your novel-style retexturing of Keiko and co. After all, Keiko herself had a sojourn in the Parodyverse once upon a time, long before Chiaki ever saw print.

    Though yes, World Class *also* got a new soft reboot. It's being redone in a semi-novel format.

I'm told that the market for e-novellas has never been better. I know that Amazon Kindle keep sending me royalty cheques for some I've done.

    I'm tempted to also post a piece of the semi-novel format "Traders", which is an entirely new story with some familiar names in it.

It depends what you want to do with it, and whether you think feedback/possibly little feedback from the relatively quiet board would encourage or dishearten you. On the one hand it can be a good focus group; on the other it could be "firing your powder" ahead of time. Only you can judge.

I'd be happy to see it here, though.


      Given that the villain responsible has just sucked half of Liu Xi's team into a death trap it's probably fair to assume there will be some development on the issue soon.

    At some point she's going to lose her temper with all of these claims on her soul. Someone with access to the elemental magic and void isn't good for pissing off.

As I recall, I dug up the Void Spectre (originally a minor secondary poster character of a poster who had more or less left off writing before I even started in the Parodyverse) because I wanted a villain who could test Liu Xi by forcing her to push her boundaries to overcome him.

The Void Spectre was one of those massively powerful supernatural types - think something like an evil version of DC's Spectre. At one point he blew up the moon for reasons that were never properly explained. When it became clear that his story wasn't going to progress, and back during my early-years fervour for tidying up continuity in a shared universe where continuity is always going to be a tangle, I wrote a storyline where the Hooded Hood tricked him out of existence (and therefore the moon was never destroyed, and was available for the Librarian to sit on it). But it was clear that the Void Spectre was meant to be massively powerful, terribly alien, and set on doing something that required access to a universe where he did not belong.

It therefore seemed like a good thing to pit him against Liu Xi. Where the UT continuity is, she had recently erased her "grandfather" from existence and has therefore become a bit of an anomaly. That and her affinity for void have attracted the Void Spectre's attention as a means of clawing himself back into existence.

It was my intention in making Liu Xi's use of void terribly dangerous for a while to be able to showcase her skills with other elements, and to show her problem-solving and other qualities that were not dependent of her powers. Unfortunately the series got derailed by circumstance so I was never able to follow through - until now.

    I can probably help by reminding you where everyone was parked at the time:

    - Faite was last a teenager going to a private boarding school to hide there from the Hooded Hood. She didn't specify which one.

    - Lara Night disappeared and went home shortly after the warden at the time of the Safe tried to kill her and imprison her for the killing of Doorman while he was trying to escape. She did it out of sacrifice so the Lair Legion would have no reason to fight him anymore.

I think this one comes a little after the current UT. From the team's point of view,the new members got inducted, they've had about a week underground on a team-building mission, and this is their first day back from that, and straight into another crisis. There are a couple of scenes and events you chronicled which perforce come (presumably shortly) after the issues the team has to deal with in the present story.

    - Nena and Anna are assumed to be still in the Lair Mansion somewhere.

    - Shen Rae is assumed to have gone home. She's also in "Traders" mentioned above, but somewhat different.

    - Chiaki Bushido (Psychic Samurai) is, according to the unfinished story, dealing with the fallout of Antony Vendredi driving out Akiko Masamune and forcing her to flee back to Japan.

There's possibly not enough information to place this since I didn't follow on with the Deadeyes series, but I think that Deadeyes #6 or 7 features Vinnie as an LL member, so that must be after the present Untold Tales too.

You forgot to mention Violet the Part Time Cat, but don't worry since she's in the next issue of Untold Tales.

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