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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: Re: There's a by-law?
Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 at 10:10:01 pm EST (Viewed 1 times)
Reply Subj: Re: There's a by-law?
Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 at 06:01:22 pm EST (Viewed 406 times)


      The Hood seeks a way to overcome that limitation. If humans can learn to survive in adverse environments like vacuum then other journeys into other hostile places should be possible.

    Oh it's possible, all right, but he won't like it. He'd probably end up in a boring, normal asylum that he can't get out of.

You may note that as of the latest Untold Tales the Hood probably has a method of travel but is not yet using it. Other preparations must be made.

    The part where it would *really* hurt [Chiaki] is that her psychic ability allows her to avoid killing anyone by knowing how to beat them before she starts. Without it, she'd get a late start like everyone else, and would end up killing more often to protect herself.

Indeed. And under "real world physics" rules making combat more "realistic" it is harder for any combatant to survive regular armed encounters, however trained they may be.


      The shift in physics would prevent the weird science SF hardware from operating, so prostheics, robotics, or programming more advanced than what we have on our own Earth would no longer function. Likewise extraordinary materials like vibratium used in circuitry to allow super-enhanced performance would no longer exist.

    That's just it, Anna and Nena don't really have any weird science hardware. Their brains are made of off-the-shelf equipment, although Anna has a more advanced type of processor. Their skeletons are made of titanium. Skin from polymers that are used in medicine and theater. The only part they might have to watch out for is their nano-machine maintainers might quit working, and they'd have to maintain themselves.

My point is that in the real world such technology has not yet been successfuly incorporated in this way, and computer software has not reached this level of capability. So in a "Parodyverse turns mundane" scenario anything that isn't yet developed in our world would fail in that one. If I was doing a comprehensive storyline as of old (which I don't anticipate; all of this is just forward speculation) I'd be dropping those characters and other robotic types like Tandi into a plot where their extrarodinary tech was slowly ceasing to function as the narrative rules changed. Their story would be about coping with the knowledge that they were soon to cease to exist, and how they respond to that. What does an articial intelligence do when it knows that within 24 hours it maight no longer be sentient?

    Lara and Liu Xi would be polar opposites. Liu Xi doesn't remember what it's like to not have access to elements. It happens to Lara all the time, every time she goes on a long-distance cross-universe trip.

I quite like writing short-term scenarios that require our characters to adapt to unusual circumstances and give them an opportunity to develop aspects of their personaliy we haven't explored before. That often includes opportunities for cast members to discuss their changes and advise, comfort, or challenge each other, which in turn promotes good storytelling.

For example, CSFB! loves and lives his powers. Without them what is he? Silicone Sally's abilities have pretty much ruined her life and future. Would she be relived to be stripped of them? What happens in a PV-unique country like the one ruled by Thighmaster when his technology can no longer threaten them? What do EEE do when their advanced SF equipment is rendered useless? How long would Ebony survive without the Shogoth's power preserving her life? What is Donar if he's not a mythical hemigod - what's left?

What does the Hooded Hood do if he's suddenly without retcons? Does that make his less or more immediately dangerous?

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